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Immortal Hulk Sets Up the Final Rematch WIth the Avengers and Fantastic Four


Immortal Hulk #48 revealed that some of Marvel’s mightiest heroes can’t wait to take another shot at the Green Goliath.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Immortal Hulk #48 by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, Ruy Jose, Belardino Brabo, Paul Mounts & VC’s Cory Petit, on sale now.

The Hulk is familiar with making everyone either angry or fearful of him, and he’s turned it up to 11 lately. Bruce Banner usually can smooth things out and keep his allies rational, but Bruce is gone and only the child-like Hulk and Joe Fixit are left. Since returning for the Below Place and taking on the U-Foes, the Hulk has been through a gauntlet of battles against powerful opponents like the Avengers and the Thing of the Fantastic Four.

Although the Hulk won hard-fought victories in those fights, the entirety of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four are ready for arematch  as Immortal Hulk marches towards its finale.

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The Avengers and Fantastic Four Prepare for the HULK

After the U-Foes failed to stop the Hulk after his return from the Below-Place, Acting Alpha Flight Commander Henry Peter Gyrich felt compelled to call in the Avengers to help. The Hulk went out for celebratory drinks after his victory over the U-Foes, but he was shortly interrupted by Thor. Hulk mistakenly thought that Thor was alone and easily trounced the God of Thunder. As he took the fight outside, he was greeted by an impressive cast of Avengers including Iron Man, Captain America and Blade. Luckily for the Hulk, Betty in her new Harpy form showed up to assist.

She was soon joined by Gamma Flight and as the battle progressed, the fighting became more intense. Hulk almost suffocated Thor which caused Black Panther to slice his arm off. As his arm regrew, the fight between the Avengers and Gamma Flight came to a halt after She-Hulk switched sides and rendered the Avengers immobile. This allowed enough time for Gamma Flight to escape with the Hulk and Betty before heading off on their own adventures.

While the Hulk, She-Hulk, Betty and reporter Jackie McGee discussed their next move, the Avengers had gathered even more superheroes and were meeting with the Fantastic Four at the Baxter Building. It was revealed that She-Hulk was still informing the Fantastic Four of the Hulk’s current activities. In response to their most recent update, the gathering of heroes elected that they were not going to wait for the Hulk’s next move as they were developing their own plan.

RELATED: Immortal Hulk’s Gamma Flight Gives an Ex-Villain an Adamantium Upgrade

Immortal Hulk Avengers fight

It makes sense that the Avengers would reach out to other heroes after their recent beatdown at the hands of the Hulk. Though it might seem strange that the Fantastic Four is eager to apprehend the Hulk, the Thing actually had a recent encounter that left him concerned.

In Immortal Hulk #41, the Thing encountered and briefly fought the emaciated child-like Hulk and Joe Fixit in his human form. After the Thing realized this wasn’t a regular Hulk rampage, he had a hot dog with Fixit and let him get away. However, Fixit has taken on the form of a powerful new Hulk since then, and Ben Grimm may feel at least partially responsible for it.

Meanwhile, the Hulk is developing a plan of his own that will seemingly involve this large scale of heroes. Bruce Banner is still trapped in the Below-Place imprisoned by the One Below All and the Leader. Since having a heart-to-heart with Betty, he appears determined to rescue Bruce from the Below-Place. If things line up right, the Hulk may even be able to use the Avengers and Fantastic Four in his confrontation with his ultimate foes. They would surely increase his chances for success if both willing and capable of assisting through the Green Door that marks the borderline between life and death for Marvel’s gamma-irradiated heroes.

KEEP READING: Hulk vs. Thing: Who Won the Legendary Matchup in the Ultimate Universe?

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