
ICv2: U.S. Manga Sales Increase By 9% in 2022 – News


Manga sales from comic book stores increased by 12.5%

© NPD Bookscan

Media news website ICv2 reported on Thursday that manga sales in the United States saw an annual increase of 9% in 2022. Manga sales from comic book stores increased by 12.5%.

The website’s analysis is based on data from NPD BookScan and from POS system ComicHub for the comic store channel.

The Beat reported that manga saw a 171.1% rise in volumes sold in 2021 from the previous year. NPD BookScan’s graphic novel sales figures for 2021 found that the manga subcategory made up 76.71% of the volumes sold in the Adult Fiction category. The discrepancy is in figures was due to a difference in classification.

NPD BookScan collects weekly point-of-sale data on print books from over 16,000 locations including e-tailers, chains, mass merchandisers, independent bookstores, and more. NPD BookScan covers approximately 85% of the U.S. trade print book market. The ranks on this chart are based on piece sales. Some publishers classify titles that are primarily text, or art books, as graphic novels; ICv2 removes those titles from the rankings.

Source: ICv2 (Milton Griepp, Brigid Alverson)


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