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Hunter X Hunter: All Main Heroes, Ranked By Maturity


The heroes of the Hunter X Hunter universe vary dramatically in both personality and potential. From fishing rod wielding youngsters to seasoned veterans of martial combat, the series boasts a wide range of characters to root for. Given their diverse nature, some heroes are more immature than others.

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These disparities have significant ramifications on the story, especially when the person in question is forced to make a judgment call. In certain instances, their maturity (or lack thereof) has the potential to save (or endanger) the lives of everyone around them.

10 Gon’s Immaturity Has Repeated Consequences

Gon’s immaturity has had repeated consequences throughout his life. The clearest example was seen during his battle against Neferpitou, where he proved willing to sacrifice everything all in the name of revenge. Surprisingly, it has also paid off.

By refusing to back down from Hanzo near the Hunter Exam’s conclusion, Gon forced him to surrender since killing the young boy would be against the rules. This was an extremely risky decision that might not have paid off had his opponent have been more ruthless.

9 Kurapika’s Indecision About Revenge Made His Life Difficult

Kurapika from Hunter X Hunter

Understandably, Kurapika sought revenge for the massacre of the Kurta. He joined the Yorknew Crime Family with the understanding that they would inevitably fight the Phantom Troupe. Although Kurapika was put in a position to kill Chrollo, he declined at the urging of his friends.

Simultaneously, he continued to obsess over the organization so much that he didn’t even visit Gon after his hospitalization. Kurapika’s indecision between settling the past and letting it go suggests a deep sense of immaturity that time may not be able to amend.

8 Ging Abandoned His Son For A Life Of Adventure



Ging Freecss Hunter X Hunter Chairman Election Arc

Despite being one of the series’ older heroes, Ging is obscenely irresponsible. Not only did he abandon his son for a life of adventure, he tormented him with the possibility of reunion by leaving several dozen clues. Each clue was associated with a dangerous task (such as entering Greed Island and facing off against the notorious Genthru).

Since Gon was devoted to his father, he took the risks willingly. Although the two eventually met, Gon only survived his adventures in the NGL due to the support of his friends and the power of Killua’s miracle-granting sibling.

7 Knuckle Was A Hard-Headed Jock With A Heart Of Gold

Hunter x Hunter Knuckle Bine — Knuckle crying

Knuckle was Morel’s finest student and one of the Hunter Association’s most capable agents. When Gon announced his intentions to fight in the NGL, he scoured the town to look for him and repeatedly screamed his name.

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The man’s decidedly blunt presentation initially suggested him as a bully, especially on account of his pernicious Nen ability. Despite Knuckle’s mannerisms, he has a heart of gold and dogged loyalty to his allies. This was proven during his battle against Youpi, where he refused to back down regardless of being outclassed.

6 Leorio Had Good Ideas But Lacking Presentation

Hunter X Hunter Leorio Paradinight

At first, Leorio presented himself as a shallow, materialistic man who only sought the wealth that a Hunter’s License could afford. He was frequently brusque with those he came across, from opponents as weak as Tonpa to those as powerful as Hisoka.

However, Leorio’s antics bely a deep sense of compassion for those around him. Leorio used his Hunter’s License to pursue a medical degree so that he could help as many people as he could. Leorio’s commitment to his friends caused him to punch Ging for being a negligent father.

5 Killua Was Usually Mature For His Age

Killua was generally mature for his age, often serving as a rational counterbalance to Gon’s insatiability. This was partially on account of his upbringing in the Zoldyck family and his expectation to assume his father’s mantle. The young boy’s responsibility was proven when rescuing Alluka from Illumi’s clutches no matter the risks involved.

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Nonetheless, Killua is still a child and has displayed signs of immaturity. For example, he stalked Gon during his date with Palm and repeatedly mocked his brother back at the manor.

4 Biscuit Was A Flawed Albeit Necessary Mentor For The Boys

Biscuit was the boys’ mentor throughout the Greed Island and NGL arcs. Despite appearing as a girl roughly their age, she was significantly larger and stronger than most grown men.

The hunter’s primary flaw resides in her insecurity. Instead of embracing every aspect of who she was (including her body and age), she actively repressed it and lashed out at anyone who called what she is into question. She is hardly a perfect role model for Gon and Killua.

3 Isaac Netero Was The Hunter Association’s Zany Leader

Netero Ball Game

Superficially, Netero appears as a playful albeit responsible old man. He led the Hunter Association for many years and ossified the structures surrounding it. When Meruem’s ants invaded, Netero led a small team to personally investigate the issue and sacrificed himself before it got out of hand.

However, he is far from perfect. Before death, Netero stated that he wasn’t interested in negotiating peace with Meruem. Instead, he just wanted a challenge he couldn’t overcome. Similarly, he appointed Pariston as his right hand man (at the expense of everyone else) so that he’d have more problems to solve.

2 Kite Was Gon’s Friend & Idol

hunter x hunter gon killua kite

After his successes at Greed Island, Gon was directed into the capable hands of Kite. Together, they investigated the disturbances at the NGL with the experienced hunter leading his two pupils on one of their first formal missions.

However, Kite was extremely irresponsible in calculating the boys’ ability as opposed to the challenges they would be facing. As a result, he got into a situation where either he would need to sacrifice himself or the only son of his closest friend would die.

1 Morel Was A Seafaring & Cunning Hunter

Morel was a seafaring hunter personally chosen by Netero to investigate the NGL. Unlike Kite, he knew that Gon and Killua weren’t prepared to fight Meruem and forced them to practice against his students beforehand.

In addition to being a robust judge of character, Morel is also extremely loyal and creative. He was the only hunter capable of forcing a royal guard to retreat by himself and without any unfair advantages, as seen through his encounter against Shaiapouf. This was in spite of the fact that he hadn’t rested for several days.

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