The Fortnite season 7 challenges continue with another batch for week 7. This week, Epic wants players to mark an alien egg. If you’ve been living under a rock, Fortnite season 7 has played host to a giant alien invasion, and the map has been littered with alien eggs that spawn little parasites that latch onto you.
Pleasant stuff. What isn’t pleasant is having to A) track down an alien egg and B) having to figure out how to mark it.
Thankfully, you’ve got us, and we’ve done the hard work of searching for you. Read on for our full guide on how to mark an alien egg in Fortnite.
Here’s the previous challenges for week 7:
– Where to construct a wooden hatchery
– Where to collect records at Craggy Cliffs and Pleasant Park
You can find alien eggs at Holly Hatchery, or if that fails, the southwest portion of the purple crater in the center of the map. There are other locations, but these will probably be the easiest to get to and avoid conflict in.
When you land on the ground, you’re looking for the little green balls that look like this.
Once you’ve found an alien egg, you can mark it by clicking your mouse scroll wheel. That’s the same button you’d use to ping a location on your map or to mark the presence of an enemy player. If you’re using a controller or on a console, that’s the left D-pad button on default settings (keep in mind that Fortnite’s controls are entirely remappable, so things might be different for you).
Once you’ve marked an alien egg, you’ve completed the challenge. Pretty easy, huh? Don’t forget to check out our Fortnite guides for more challenge walkthroughs and news on the latest skins, like world champ Bugha. Also, Fortnite is getting a Ferrari car in-game.