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How to Build DnD’s Most Powerful Sorcerer Warlock


When it comes to overpowered Dungeons & Dragons‘ builds, the Sorlock multiclass combination is one of the best possible choices. Multiclassing can be a major gamble for inexperienced players, but those with an understanding of the proper components needed to successfully multiclass a character can create a player character with near-unlimited powers.

Combining the Sorcerer and Warlock classes grants the character access to one of the most reliable cantrips in the game: Eldritch Blast. Add in the Sorcerer’s Metamagic abilities and the Sorlock can spam Eldritch Blast at enemies to their heart’s desire.

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The Sorlock’s Most Important Stats

Every class has at least one core stat that is imperative to their function. Fortunately, both the Warlock and the Sorcerer rely almost solely on Charisma. CHA determines their spellcasting modifier, and the higher that modifier is, the more likely ranged spells like Eldritch Blast will hit their mark.

Dexterity is also important because it affects the player’s armor class and initiative bonus. Because Sorlocks are confined to medium armor, giving them a bit of a boost to their AC with a high DEX will make them that much harder to hit. Giving them the opportunity to move closer to first in combat means they can start spamming those Eldritch Blasts before the battle’s really gotten heavy.

While not nearly as important as CHA and DEX, Constitution plays a vital role in building a strong hit point pool for the Sorlock, as well as encouraging their saves to maintain concentration on ongoing spells and magical effects.

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Breaking Down the Class Levels

Dungeons & Dragons Warlock

One of the most important questions players tend to ask when they plan to create a multiclass character build is which class they should start with first. When it comes to the Sorlock, it doesn’t actually matter because the proficiencies gained from each class are reputable and necessary in the long term. Warlocks are proficient when it comes to Wisdom saving throws, while Sorcerers are proficient with Constitution saves.

One of the primary reasons for getting the Sorcerer’s save early on is that, to maintain ongoing magical spells and effects, they need to be able to hold onto the their concentration by succeeding on their CON saves. On the other hand, starting out with the Warlock grants access to Eldritch Blast and their Patron archetype earlier in the game.

It’s only necessary for the player to take three levels in Warlock to gain maximum efficiency, with the other 17 levels focusing solely on the Sorcerer. In what order those levels are taken is entirely up to the player, but getting both of them into place and on their way by level five guarantees unleashing the Sorlock’s power as quickly as possible.

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Best Subclasses for the Sorlock

When it comes to subclasses, it’s important to consider what the character will gain from their archetype. For this particular build, it’s important to make the character as sturdy as possible, which means choosing the Warlock’s Hexblade Patron. Hexblades have access to medium armor and shields, as well as the Shield spell, which means they’ll be more likely to be able to block incoming damage and protect themselves.

At Warlock level two, choosing the Agonizing Blast invocation will make a major difference when it’s time to start spamming Eldritch Blasts because the player’s Charisma modifier can be tacked onto the damage of a successful blast. For the second invocation, choosing Devil’s Sight not only increases the Sorlock’s dark vision capabilities, but also grants them the ability to see through magical darkness, which can otherwise be impossible to navigate.

For the Sorcerer, the earliest access they gain to their most important spell for this build is earned at level three. Gaining access to Metamagic allows the Sorlock to take the Quickened spell, which allows them to spend two sorcery points to cast a spell as a bonus action. At character level five, Eldritch Blast fires two blasts each time its cast, which means four powerful magical hits per turn.

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Taking the Shadow Magic Origin is the most logical choice because not only does it grant the player access to the Darkness spell, but the ability to see through their own magical darkness to find enemies hidden within and fire off spells they’ll never see coming.

Best Races for the Sorlock

When choosing a race, the first thing to look at is the racial bonuses offered. Races that boost CHA and/or DEX will be the most logical choices. Satyrs, Changelings, Tieflings, Halflings, Half-Elves and Aasimar all start the game out with a +2 boost to CHA, which means they will be that much closer to maxing out the CHA. As an added bonus, Satyrs get +1 DEX, while Half-Elves and Changelings get an additional +1 to at least one other stat, which can be used on a DEX Boost.

The Best Feat for a Sorlock

It’s often hard to make a strong case for taking feats at the appropriate levels because getting CHA and DEX maxed is an absolutely priority, however, once those are both at 20, there is one feat in particular that is incredibly helpful to the Sorlock: War Caster. The War Caster feat gives the Sorlock advantage on CON saves to maintain that ever important concentration on spells.

War Casters can also cast spells without using the somatic components, meaning their hands are free to hold onto weapons or shields. They can also make spell attack as an attack of opportunity, so long as the spell takes one action to cast and targets only one creature. That means they can be Eldritch Blasted as they’re trying to escape, up to three times at maximum levels.

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