Two long-standing heads of the Hellfire Trading Club’s inner circle vacate their seats to focus entirely on the Quiet Council of Krakoa.
Warning: The following contains spoilers for Marauders #27, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
In Marauders #27 (by Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Phil Noto, Rain Beredo, VC’s Cory Petit, and Tom Muller), two long-standing heads of the Hellfire Trading Club’s inner circle vacate their seats to focus entirely on the Quiet Council of Krakoa. In their stead are the five Cuckoos and Lourdes Chantel, respectively. Sebastian Shaw, the Black King, is forced to leave by the recently reintroduced Chantel. Soon after, Emma Frost gives up her responsibilities in the Hellfire Club to the five cuckoos. The changes will affect not only the Hellfire Trading Club but the Quiet Council that guides Krakoa itself.
The arrival of Lourdes Chantel is the catalyst for change. Lourdes was first introduced as Shaw’s romantic interest. Shaw proposed to her but she rejected him. Their relationship had been abusive and fearing Shaw’s reaction, she confided in Frost. Frost deceived Shaw into believing Lourdes had been killed. Grieving, Shaw took over the Hellfire Club. The deception was revealed to Shaw in Marauders #22 (by Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Klaus Janson, Rain Beredo, VC’s Cory Petit, and Tom Muller).
Initially, Frost looked to Lourdes to take her place on the Hellfire Club. Lourdes instead insists Shaw leaves as amends for his abusive treatment of her. Frost then has to scramble for someone else to take her seat. Enter the Cuckoos. The five have agreed to cycle through the seat of the White Queen by each having an active voice but the final call comes to whoever is wearing the white cloak that day.
These six new individuals at the head of the Hellfire Trading Club mean significant changes for its future. Shaw praises Lourdes to the entirety of House Black: “She has deep roots at Hellfire and has the business acumen of a samurai. She will no doubt continue to build upon what we have accomplished.” Yet, to Shinobi, Shaw reveals his deep misogyny: “Hellfire Trading is now run by women with divided attention and some school girls.” Shaw believes Pryde’s focus is spread between the X-Men and former teammates to be a threat to Shinobi. His reflection on Lourdes seems premature. If history has proven anything, his underestimating the Cuckoos is sure to be a cataclysmic mistake.
The relaunch of Marauders in March will see another female force enter: Cassandra Nova, the twin of Charles Xavier. Her relationship with the Hellfire Trading Club is yet to be revealed but she’ll be no doubt interacting with Pryde and the rest of the Inner Circle. Nova, a powerful telepath, is sure to meet her match against the Cuckoos—it’s likely great timing that the five are at the helm as Nova is reintroduced.
On the other governing body, Shaw and Frost are now giving their full attention to the Quiet Council. Frost is notoriously strategic–with her entire focus on the Quiet Council, she’s far more so. In the wake of Xavier’s and Magneto’s secrets being revealed in the Inferno mini-series (by Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti), the Quiet Council is more combative than ever. The strong personalities holding each seat are each working to steer the course of the mutant nation of Krakoa.
Inferno saw Destiny and Mystique bargain both Shaw and Frost to vote their way in giving Destiny a seat on the Quiet Council, a decision that frustrated both Xavier and Magneto. There are more secrets to come out and the future of Krakoa is cloudy. Frost and Shaw are notorious for cycling their loyalties and their votes and voices could move the Council forward in troubling ways. The potential conflict on the horizon between Krakoa and the rest of the superhero world is likely to be accelerated with their increased focus.
The relaunch of Marauders will see Krakoa’s public face become far more confrontational. The Hellfire Trading Club seems prime to return to its more nefarious roots. Yet, there are glimmers that it could be entirely reinvented through the new leadership. The deceptive inner workings are sure to be more clouded as the war for ultimate control of the Hellfire Trading Club brews.
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