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How Professor X and Mystique’s Son Destroyed One Future


The X-Men’s founder, Charles Xavier, had a powerful child with Mystique who ended up being responsible for destroying the mutants in his timeline.

The founder of the X-Men, Professor Charles Xavier, is one of  the world’s most powerful psychics. In the current timeline, he established a new mutant homeland on the island of Krakoa, ushering in an era of geopolitical mutant empowerment known as the Reign of X.

This was partially achieved with the help of his longtime paramour, Moira McTaggart, who was revealed to be a mutant in 2019’s House of X #2 (by Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz).  Xavier’s new utopia may currently be threatened by the long-time X-Men enemy Mystique, a shapeshifter who is scheming against him. However, in another timeline, all three of these influential mutants had a son, Charles Xavier II, who was an even more powerful psychic than his father – and who may have caused mutants to be wiped out in his reality.

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All-New X-Men #27. Charles Xavier II kills Moira MacTaggert

Charles Xavier II debuted in 2013’s X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 (by Brian Michael Bendis, Frank Cho, Stuart Immonen, Wade von Grawbadger, Marte Garcia, and VC’s Joe Caramagna). He was named after his biological father and his birth mother was Mystique, who had given birth to him some time after Professor Xavier was killed by a Phoenix-possessed Cyclops. Mystique did not want to keep the child, so Charles II was adopted and raised by Moira MacTaggert. Tragically, when his telepathic powers manifested, he accidentally killed his surrogate mother by way of a psychic blast.

All of this happened in the future alternate timeline of Earth-13729. Not long after, Charles Xavier II learned that he had a half-brother, Raze, who was the son of Wolverine and Mystique. The two teamed up, building their own Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Charles used his powers to coerce other mutants to follow him on a mission back in time where they attacked the primary X-Men teams.

Eventually, the future X-Men of Earth-13729 traveled back in time to the present to help stop Charles II’s future Brotherhood. After this defeat, he made a separate attempt to destroy the X-Men of the present (his past). Once again, he was defeated. The Brotherhood was finally freed from the psychic control that had forced them to turn against their fellow mutants, while Charles II and Raze were imprisoned in a S.H.I.E.L.D. holding facility, where they were kept sedated and forced to wear power dampeners.

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House of X hints at a further tragedy to Charles II’s struggles. In issue #2, Moira MacTaggert is revealed to be a mutant with a unique power: after she dies, she is reincarnated back in the womb from the point where she was originally conceived with all of the memories she acquired during her previous lives. She uses these memories to live her life differently, altering history and creating whole new timelines. She is in her tenth reincarnation when she helps set in motion the events that allowed Professor X to establish a mutant homeland on Krakoa, ushering in the Reign of X.

But she was not able to do this in the timeline of Earth-13729, as her adoptive son Charles II killed her with his psychic powers. This means that in the future of Earth-13729, there is no Krakoa and mutants have no safe homeland to protect them. Prior to the nation being established, mutants had been hunted to the brink of extinction after the death of the professor. Moira helped prevent this through the lessons she learned over the course of many reincarnations. Unfortunately, Charles II’s accidental killing of his adoptive mother prevented her from creating a Krakoa during his timeline, making him the inadvertent cause for the destruction of the mutants.

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