Comics Reviews

How Marvel’s Next Epic Left the Avengers in the Dark


Dark Ages promises to be one of the most harrowing events that the Marvel Universe has ever seen, and the carnage already started last year

The Marvel Universe has gone through plenty of epic events and world-ending scenarios, but Dark Ages is about to push Marvel’s heroes in ways they never have been before. Fans have already been given a glimpse into the ominous landscape that awaits Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, thanks to a teaser in 2020’s Free Comic Book Day: X-Men #1.

Before the Dark Ages officially kicks off,  we’re taking a look back at what little we already know about the Marvel Universe’s new darkest timeline.

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“Dark Ages” by Tom Taylor, Iban Coello, Brian Reber, and VC’s Joe Sabino begins with New York City’s shining skyline falling victim to a massive earthquake. Understandably worried, Pepper Potts calls Tony Stark for help, and he assures her that he is working on the situation before telling her to get to the building’s bunker. Mid-flight, Tony’s armor is struck by a strange green energy that causes the suit and its A.I. to start shorting out.

Without a moment to spare, Iron Man calls Captain America, only to lose all control of his armor without getting a chance to explain what is happening. There is nothing that Tony can do when his suit is unresponsive, and he is left flying blind towards Stark Tower. It’s then that things go from bad to worse when a passenger plane experiencing the same power loss collides with him, tearing off part of his leg before careening towards the ground. By the time the dust has settled Tony is on his back in the middle of Stark Tower, bleeding out with Pepper huddled over him in tears as his armor shuts down completely.

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That teaser story establishes a grim tone and dire stakes for Dark Ages, which takes place outside of primary continuity. This means that none of Marvel’s heroes are safe. And if Taylor’s work on DC’s Injustice: Gods Among Us or DCeased is any indication, the superhero body count could get very high.  Apart from this preview story, Marvel has teased some stark developments in the form of new takes on familiar characters, including a steampunk Iron Man and a menacing, symbiote empowered Miles Morales. The presumed big bad of Dark Ages has even been teased as the Unmaker.

Over a year after this initial preview, Dark Ages is finally set to begin in earnest, and it promises to be one of Marvel’s most harrowing epics yet.

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