Doctor Strange’s newest team just faced their first real challenge in Marvel’s Defenders #2, as they faced a threat similar in scope to Galactus.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Defenders #2, available now from Marvel.
Doctor Strange and his latest team of Defenders have been brought together to take on two classic Marvel supervillains, but things haven’t gone as planned. As soon as the heroes had been assembled, they were whisked away to the Sixth Cosmos, the reality that existed before the Multiverse. On the planet Taa they have come face to face with this universe’s version of the Devourer of Worlds, and in Defenders #2 (by Al Ewing, Javier Rodriguez, Jay Bowen, VC’s Cory Petit, and VC’s Joe Caramagna) Doctor Strange’s team utilized a very unorthodox way to defeat the celestial being.
With the threat of Omnimax looming overhead, all the Defenders could do was save themselves and as many civilians as possible from the devastation being wrought. Thankfully, the heroes aren’t alone in their heroic endeavors, as Doctor Strange discovers when he is rescued by Taaia, a Scienceer of Taa. They only have a few moments to regroup before heading back into the fray to find some means of stopping the Devourer, and Taaia thinks she might know how. Omnimax can’t be fought by normal means, but he can potentially be beaten with the power of the Mother-Cube and all of the powerful emotions that it holds.
Taaia explains that the Mother-Cube is imbued with all of the emotions felt by every being on the planet. While the Defenders question whether or not a cosmic being such as Omnimax could feel or comprehend those kind of emotions, Taaia assures them that it will either make the Devourer feel something or hurt enough to turn him away.
Omnimax’s cosmic power is too great for the Mother-Cube to breach, but Strange is able to give the heroes a fighting chance. The Sorcerer Supreme is able to magically guide the Mother-Cube’s emotional wavelength all the way to the Devourer, colliding in a deafening boom of brilliant hues. The plan is a success, and the heroes drive Omnimax away with what is effectively the power of love.
The battle against the celestial being Omnimax ends in a surprisingly unorthodox fashion, as none of the heroes present ever directly attacked the being. Of course, if they had the team would have likely discovered that their powers paled in comparison to the Power Cosmic wielded by the Galactus-like entity.
Still, Doctor Strange and his team prove their heroic mettle here by rescuing an entire planet from a literal world-ending threat. As they are whisked away to their next adventure, they leave behind a grateful world and a declaration that the sorcerer’s new team is worthy of the name Defenders.
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