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How Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy’s Combat Works


The Guardians of the Galaxy may have trust issues, but they complement each other well in combat. Here’s how to make the most of them in battle.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy makes perfect use of each Guardian’s claim to fame during combat. The team blends seamlessly into the classic RPG roles of attacker, defender and support while living true to their reputations from the comics and movies. To succeed in combat, players will need to understand each Guardian’s role and how best to use each character. This guide will walk players through the basics of fighting in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Each Guardian offers different offensive and defensive capabilities. Some can stagger enemies faster (which leaves enemies vulnerable to attack), while others are great for momentarily immobilizing enemies and allowing the team a chance to breath. Combat has an added layer of customization through Ability Points, which can be spent to learn new moves. Ability Points are shared across each Guardian, so players will need to pick and choose which moves should be learned. This restriction allows players to develop individual approaches to combat.

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How To Use Star-Lord In Combat

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy abilities screen.

Peter Quill, AKA Star-Lord, is a ranged attacker and, as the player character, the team’s combat strategist. He’s a jack-of-all-trades who can deal damage, then stagger enemies with his Charged Shot gun upgrade, as well as evade attacks with his Vantage Point ability so that he can more easily monitor the battle. In dire circumstances, Star-Lord can use a combat melee, but he’s better off staying out of close range encounters.

Star-Lord also needs to listen for allies in need of help. He can assist them by destroying enemies or obstacles preventing them from fighting, as well as heal allies when they run out of energy. To that point, Star-Lord also initiates the Huddle. This ability brings the team together for a pep talk, and if Star-Lord says the right thing, the team will receive a stat boost.

How To Use Gamora In Combat

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora abilities screen.

Gamora is a heavy damage dealer who can cut through enemy defenses. She can slice through an enemy’s shielding with her Deadly Strike ability and cut loose environmental hazards suspended above unsuspecting enemies. Gamora can make quick work of minor enemies with her Shadow Strike, which targets multiple enemies in swift succession, and deals significant damage to tougher enemies that have been staggered. Her combat prowess stays true to her reputation as a deadly assassin. Players can use Gamora to take out inconvenient enemies and disable defensive capabilities.

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How To Use Drax In Combat

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Drax abilities screen.

Drax is the Guardian’s heavy-hitter. He is a powerhouse who can deal significant damage, but he’s especially useful for staggering enemies. His Destroy ability deals a high amount of stagger and damage to a single enemy, while Katathian Charge and Pound And Pummel are a mix of offense and defense. The former deals stagger and light damage to multiple enemies, while the latter deals damage. Both attacks knock enemies off their feet, buying the Guardians some breathing room.

Not only are Drax’s abilities great at wearing down foes, but he is also able to find heavy objects in combat environments, some of which are explosive, and lob them at enemies. Drax is best unleashed on tougher opponents with high defense who need to be staggered.

How To Use Rocket In Combat

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Rocket abilities screen.

Rocket is an offensive support fighter. He’s a master of explosives and is great for area control. Rocket’s Cluster Flark Bomb damages multiple enemies within a given radius, making him useful for defeating minor enemies like Jackogels that otherwise swarm the Guardians. This ability can also deal moderate damage to standard enemies with slightly more defense, making them easier for other Guardians to pick off.

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Rocket’s Gravistack Grenade doubles as a defensive maneuver, suspending immobilized enemies grouped together in the air, while his Glowing Pains Grenade deals damage over time. Rocket is a specialist at grouping together and cleaning up the combat leftovers.

How To Use Groot In Combat

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Groot abilities screen.

Groot is a defensive support fighter, not a heavy damage dealer. He can use the natural environment to throw enemies off their feet, which is useful when the Guardians become overwhelmed and need to regroup. His Entangle ability restricts enemies, preventing them from moving, and his Uproot ability damages enemies while tossing them into the air. As players unlock more of Groot’s abilities, he’s able to deal more damage to larger enemies as well as stagger them. Whenever the Guardians are overwhelmed or have low health, call on Groot to do some area control.

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