Fast & Furious: Spy Racers ends on a very fiery note in the South Pacific, which sets up some intriguing possibilities to explore in Season 6.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Season 5 of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers, streaming now on Netflix.
Season 5 of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers ends on a very fiery note as Tony Toretto’s team goes the distance to stop an evil A.I. from infecting Thailand. They blow up the submarine it possessed, with Layla also destroying the car that got to the Bangkok mainland to spread the virus. It’s left Ms. Nowhere grateful once more that her teens could be so resourceful. However, some loose ends have been left hanging after this South Pacific mission to set up Season 6.
The Stray Car
Initially, the virus infected many vehicles aboard Sudarikov’s sub, but Tony was able to nullify most of them on the deck. However, the heroes didn’t realize one fell overboard and sank to the bottom of the ocean. This means the Russian digital mastermind could salvage it, resume the programming and perfect the A.I. to be more obedient.
It may even fall into the hands of other terrorists and cyber-geniuses, with the likes of Cleve Kelso still out there. The car might opt to remain rogue as well, and operate by itself a la Ultron, no longer wanting a human master in control after this taste of freedom. It’d be interesting to see how Tony reacts to it still being alive as it was patterned to be an evil copy of his brain. Either way, global tech will be at risk as the evolving virus can spread rapidly over the air.
Shashi’s Full Redemption
Shashi was brought in by Sudarikov to help with the project, but he turned on the Russian, achieving a bit of redemption. Unfortunately, as Shashi tried to help the heroes, they had no choice but to leave him to die as water filled the sub. Shashi would find Sudarikov’s troops again, but he ditched them, hinting he might want to really become a hero.
He could join Tony’s crew full-time or work as a double agent within terrorist cells in order to clean his record with Nowhere. There’s even a chance Shashi could hate on the heroes for leaving him or that he breaks bad again due to his selfish nature and corrupt ways of old. What’s intriguing is Tony may not lose faith in him, reversing the script from the original movie with a Toretto this time bringing someone to the side of the law.
Perfecting the Family
Tony’s team has rebuilding to embark upon despite this victory. Cisco’s shown he can be a leader, which can see him step up as Nowhere’s protege. Frostee might still be able to repurpose the stolen code from Sudarikov in order to create a better A.I. to help Nowhere’s team in terms of drones and autopilot cars. It’d help evolve Echo as well, who feels more attuned to tech these days.
Nowhere and Palindrome also need to sort out their romance as they’ve been dragging it out for a couple seasons. They clearly have feelings for each other, but they’ll have to know professional boundaries, which Gary and Julius will be keen to remind them of. Lastly, Tony and Layla need to iron out their status as they love each other, too. Their egos are getting in the way, but if Shashi joins, that’ll cause a love triangle that will make the team wobbly.
All five seasons of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers are available now on Netflix.
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