
[sourceLink asin=”” asin_jp=”” bookwalker_id=”” cdj_product_id=”” text=”” url=”” ]
[balloon_speech align=”left” text=”I always love anything by JAM Project! ” image=”bee-wink”]
[balloon_speech align=”right” text=”I love Sora to Utsuro from The Case Study of Vanitas!” image=”honey-love”]
[balloon_speech align=”left” text=”My Hero Academia has a bopping OP this season!” image=”bombon-happy3″]
[balloon_speech align=”right” text=”I love ABC from Uramichi Oniisan!” image=”mo-blush”]
What’s the Best Anime Opening of Summer 2021?
[balloon_speech align=”left” text=”Yup, ‘Ai no Supreme’ by fhána is pretty great!” image=”bee-music”]
[balloon_speech align=”right” text=”MindaRyn’s ‘Like Flames’ slaps!” image=”bombon-happy2″]
[balloon_speech align=”left” text=”I love angela’s ‘Andante ni Koi wo Shite!’ from Hamefura X! ” image=”honey-music”]
[balloon_speech align=”right” text=”The show creeps me out but I do enjoy ‘Analogy’ by Ayane! ” image=”mo-happy3″]
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What’s the Best School RomCom Anime?