Now that Hawkeye has premiered on Disney+, the world has been introduced to a whole set of characters who are new to the MCU. Of course, this means a lot of people are wondering who is who in this exciting adventure. One of these new characters is Jack Duquesne, played by Tony Dalton.
In the show, Jack Duquesne is Kate Bishop’s soon-to-be step-father, an apparent millionaire with a creepy smile and clear ulterior motives for his marriage to Eleanor Bishop. Although he was not introduced as Swordsman, the shared name with the Marvel villain and his obvious fixation with swords makes it apparent that this character draws inspiration from Jacques Duquesne.
10 His First Comic Appearance Goes Back To 1965
Created by Stan Lee and Don Heck, Jacques “Jack” Duquesne first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1965, in The Avengers Vol. 1 #19. This issue depicts him as Swordsman, a villain who infiltrates the Avenger’s headquarters and then tries to join the team but is recognized by Hawkeye.
Once rejected, Swordsman sets a trap for Captain America, who gets captured by the villain on a scaffolding. Luckily, Hawkeye finds out and gathers the rest of the Avengers to fight him. Duquesne’s scheme reaches an end when Captain America decides to jump off the scaffolding instead of giving up.
9 He Is Not The Only Swordsman In The Marvel Universe
As it happens with many comic book characters, there are several iterations of The Swordsman across the Marvel Universe, Jack Duquesne is just the most recognized. All of these characters share abilities with swords and knives but differ in origin and personality.
From an alternate universe comes Philip Javert, a Swordsman that acts as a member of The Gatherers, who are looking to hunt Sersi down on every earth. Andreas von Strucker, usually known as Fenris, took on the mantle after being brainwashed by the Purple Man. There’s even a Swordswoman, who appears as a member of the Euroforce. This woman turns out to be Duquesne’s illegitimate daughter from Paris.
8 The Mandarin Made His Sword Even More Powerful
Even though Duquesne seems fixated with Ronin’s sword in the TV show, in the comics, Swordsman’s main weapon is a sword modified by the Mandarin from the time Duquesne acted as his agent.
Thanks to the Makluan power possessed by the Mandarin, Swordsman’s sword can release a toxic gas that induces unconsciousness and also project ray beams, flames, and lightning. The only catch is that the sword cannot be used against the Mandarin himself. Due to this, Swordsman cannot betray the Mandarin using his weapon.
7 He Was A Part Of The Communist Rebellion
Jack Duquesne was born in a European family in Siancong, a fictional South Asian nation under French oppression. Regardless of his privileged position, Jack held the Siancognese natives dearly, and when he was invited to join the communist rebellion against the French he took the chance.
Unfortunately, the rebel leader, Wong-Chu, killed Jack’s father, which led Jack to lose all hope in the fight and in the communist cause. Devastated and with no plan for a new life, he joined the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders. So far, we don’t know the origins of Jack in the show, but maybe writers will keep this as his origin story.
6 He Taught Hawkeye Everything He Knows About Knife Fighting
In the course of his time with the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders, Jack Duquesne met the future Avenger Clint Barton, who was just a teenager at the time. During this period, Jack taught Clint how to fight using swords and blades as weapons, while Buck Chisholm, aka Trick Shot, taught Clint everything about archery.
Although the series shows Hawkeye and Duquesne to be roughly the same age, there’s a possibility the writers will take inspiration from their relationship in the comic for Jack and Kate’s relationship in the show.
5 He Is A Gambling Addict
Duquesne’s heart seems to be in the right place during his younger years, but once his father is murdered and he leaves Siancong, his life spirals down into gambling and addiction. In fact, it is his debt that leads Jack to crime, and his relationship with Clint ends right after the teenage boy finds him stealing from the circus owner.
Clint tried to turn Jack in, but the Swordsman escapes. Jack took his swordplay act clothes with him, turning them into his costume as a villain.
4 Erik Josten, Power Man, Is His Partner In Crime
During his many years of crime, Jacques Duquesne made several acquaintances and friends. One of the most famous partners he had is Erik Josten, also known as Power Man, Goliath, and Atlas. Josten is an AWOL marine turned into a mercenary that undergoes an ionic treatment that makes him stronger than an average person.
So far, there’s no news about Erik Josten joining the MCU, but he would make a valuable ally for Swordsman if he turns out to be the main villain in Hawkeye the TV series.
3 He Does Not Have Superpowers But He Is An Extraordinary Human
Jacques Duquesne is not an actual superhuman nor an alien. His powers and abilities come from years of training, not from special abilities. Just like Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, he is a trained athlete that relies on the skills and talents he has learned during his life. However, this does not make him any less dangerous.
If Swordsman turns out to be the main villain for the series, Hawkeye and Kate Bishop will need to up their game, because this villain has Olympic-level fighting abilities.
2 He Had a Crush On Scarlet Witch But Then He Fell For Mantis
Jack developed a crush for Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, during his time as a double agent with the Avengers. Because of this, he decided to help the superheroes and even tried to dismantle a bomb he set as a trap for them.
Needless to say, Jack’s feelings for Wanda were never returned by her, but then he met Mantis, with whom he started a relation so intense he even became part of the Avengers for her. The two of them had a son together, Sequoia, who became the Celestial Messiah.
1 He Reformed And Even Became An Avenger
Probably the most important thing to know about Jacques Duquesne in the comics is the fact that he stops being a supervillain and actually became an Avenger. His time with Earth Mightiest Heroes started with him acting as a double agent to betray them, but Duquesne had a change of heart and helped them.
Unfortunately, Jack changed his mind again and then one more time until finally deciding he preferred to stay on the good side of history. Even though Tony Dalton’s interpretation of Duquesne in the TV series seems to be a very villainous one, fans will not be surprised if Swordsman turns out to be an ally of Hawkeye and Kate Bishop.