Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour translates the hilarious energy of the animated series to comic panels with ease.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 takes the raucous, hilarious energy that made the animated series a rousing success and translates its fast-paced spirit to comic panels with flying colors. Throughout the issue, Harley urges her readers to watch the animated series to fully appreciate what the comic is building towards, it should be noted that the issue does an admirable job recapping the series’ larger plot points so that newcomers will be able to follow the action with relative ease.
Written by Tee Franklin, drawn by Max Sarin, and colored by Marissa Louise, The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 features a creative team that knows exactly what makes the animated series tick. Perfectly adapting the dynamics, relationships, and unique tone of the show from the screen to the panel is no easy feat, but the team behind The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour masterfully takes the reins from where the second season leaves off and explores Harley and Ivy’s road trip of a lifetime.
Franklin finds the perfect tone to make The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour feel like a natural extension to the animated show’s second season. The way the characters interact with the world and each other has the same electrifying vitality that the show captures and it ensures that the world of Harley Quinn: The Animated Series is translated clearly and concisely to a radically different medium. Seeing Harley and Ivy’s relationship fully realized on the pages of The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 never feels forced or hasty, which speaks to Franklin’s formidable writing skills — considering these characters have not yet had the chance to interact in such a way on-screen.
Panel by panel, The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 never misses a beat. Sarin’s artwork doesn’t try to replicate the shows animation style. Instead, Sarin finds an impressive middle ground that looks enough like the original animation to clearly capture the characters but has a cartoony edge that rests much more naturally on the pages of a comic. That being said, the pages in their own right are beautifully drawn. If Franklin has captured the narrative pace of the animated series, Sarin has captured the visual pace of Harley Quinn with a precision that can’t be ignored. From the first page to the last, Sarin’s panels unapologetically justify the transition from screen to page. Aided spectacularly by Marissa Louise’s vivid color work that once again manages to epitomize the feeling of the animation without attempting to recreate it, The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 quite simply looks and feels fantastic.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series is quickly becoming one of the most foremost and definitive versions of Harley Quinn. Part of the joy of The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 is seeing this now-iconic version of Harley go from screen to panel. As one of DC’s rare characters that originated onscreen before in comic form, seeing this version of Harley so effectively and spectacularly translated to a comic book is delightful. While Harley has seen many incredible comic book adaptations in her history, this one feels like it was a long time coming. Including the entire host of side characters that Harley Quinn: The Animated Series has created, The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour is certainly a title to pick up as its story and cast delightfully grows.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 is recommended for all (mature) fans of Harley that have at least partial familiarity with her ongoing animated series. The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 honestly and thoughtfully captures the electric nature of the animated show. If the comic continues to rise to the caliber of the series, The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour should certainly be on everyone’s radar.
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