The Ranking of Kings anime tells the story of a Deaf prince who strives to become the greatest king. An animator who worked on a sign language sequence in episode 2 revealed that she has a personal connection to the subject matter of the series.
“I drew two parts of the sign language cut in episode 2. I love this manga, and it was a very fun experience to dive into it and portray my own language through the character animation,” tweeted Hiromi Yoshida on Friday along with an upload of her drawings. “It might have been the first time in my life where I felt glad to be hard of hearing (I’ve had slight hearing difficulties since birth).”
アニメ #王様ランキング
好きな漫画の中に入り込んで自分の言葉で演技できたのはとても楽しい体験でした聴覚障害者でよかったなって、生まれて初めて思えたかも知れません(生まれつきの軽度の難聴です) pic.twitter.com/1lUefK0qGw
— 吉田ひろみ (@H_Yosh1da) October 21, 2021
Yoshida is credited on the episode as a key animator.
The Tokyo Federation of the Deaf supervises the sign language portrayed in the anime. Saki Fukano and Shо̄ki Itо̄ are credited for sign language assistance.
The television anime of Sōsuke Tōka‘s Ranking of Kings (Ōsama Ranking) manga premiered on October 14. Funimation began streaming the anime with English subtitles on October 15, and it will also stream an English dub.