Prototype announced on Twitter on Wednesday that it will release the sixth volume of Frontwing‘s Grisaia: Phantom Trigger game for Nintendo Switch on September 22. The release will include text in Japanese, English, and Simplified Chinese, as well as Japanese audio.
The sixth volume launched on PC via Steam in April 2019.
Prototype released Grisaia: Phantom Trigger 01&02 on the Switch last June, and released Grisaia: Phantom Trigger 03 last July. The company published Grisaia: Phantom Trigger 04 digitally for Switch last September, and released Grisaia: Phantom Trigger 05 digitally for Switch last November.
Frontwing released the first two volumes of the game with English text for PC via Steam in April 2017 (on the same day Frontwing released the volumes in Japan). The seventh volume launched on PC via Steam in July 2020.
Source: Prototype’s Twitter account via Gematsu