Green Arrow and Aquaman have been dragged into an incredibly unlikely team-up that traps them in the other’s lives.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target #1, available now from DC COmics.
On the surface, Aquaman and Green Arrow have little in common outside their positions on the Justice League. The former is one of DC’s most powerful heroes, capable of holding his own against the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman thanks to his years of experience fighting under the oceans, with impressive strength, durability, and the ability to control sea-life. Meanwhile, Green Arrow has no superhuman abilities — and instead gets by thanks to his incredible combat skills and impressive abilities utilizing his bow and arrows, all assisted by the massive amount of money his family name bestowed him with.
But in Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target #1 (by Brandon Thomas, Ronan Cliquet, Ulises Arreola, and Josh Reed), the pair get the unexpected chance to walk in each other’s shoes — and neither of them are happy about the development.
The issue opens with a group of scientists operating on developing a powerful time machine, allowing living organisms to make the move from the present day to the distant past, resulting in apparent changes to the time stream that occur after one of the results of his visit in a dinosaur making its way into the time-travel platform used by General Aderton. In this altered world, Aquaman and Green Arrow have effectively performed a Freaky Friday situation, with the two heroes living each other’s lives. Remembering the way the world is supposed to work, Arthur Curry (as Green Arrow) ventures into the ocean and furiously confronts Oliver Queen (who’s become Aquaman). Neither man is happy about the predicament either, quickly coming to blows over the issue.
Initially blaming Oliver for the mysterious event that resulted in this swap of fates, a depowered Aquaman tries firing arrows at Queen — only for his lack of experience and skill to show with the arrows. He’s also caught by surprise by just how comparatively weak his new fully human body is, comparing kicking Oliver to kicking a stone wall. Meanwhile, Ollie is still unaccustomed to his newfound powers, consistently overwhelmed by his newfound senses and unable to fully control his own strength. Neither man can truly say they’ve adapted to their new forms, and both want answers — prompting them to venture to the surface world and work together to figure out why this is happening.
The full scope of what’s befallen Green Arrow and Aquaman — as well as the entire world in the process — remains unknown, with the closest clue being that it likely has something to do with the mysterious General Aderton. The man behind the time-travel project in the first place, he’s revealed to have been accidentally transformed into a half-man/half-dinosaur form, with a keen interest in finding Green Arrow and Aquaman once they reunite. He’s even got an agent placed within Arthur Curry’s group, who is able to update him of the pair returning to the surface to try and find out exactly why they’ve had their lives seemingly swapped.
It remains unknown how much further the world has been transformed by these events, and if other heroes have likewise had their lives radically swapped or switched as a result of Aderton’s machinations. But if this team-up between the two Justice League veterans began with them swapping lives, it’s only likely to get even stranger as the two heroes try to discover the truth behind what’s happened to them.
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