Toki’s Journey of Life manga centers on doctor, girl traveling together
The 5B issue of Kadokawa‘s Aokishi magazine published the first of two chapters for Aki Irie‘s new short manga titled Toki’s Journey of Life (Toki no Tabi) on Monday.
The story centers on a doctor and a girl named Toki, who climb steep mountains and cross barren wastes on their journey together. Even though the doctor can ride on clouds and soar through the sky, the doctor does not lend a helping hand to Toki, only going on ahead of her and stopping somewhere to drink and eat while waiting for her. They have a puzzling way of traveling that nevertheless remains intimate.
Irie launched the Go with the Clouds, North by Northwest (Hokuhokusei ni Kumo to Ike) manga in Kadokawa‘s Harta magazine in March 2016. The manga moved Aokishi when the magazine launched on April 20. Kadokawa published the manga’s fifth compiled book volume on January 15.
Vertical has licensed the manga, and released the fifth volume on August 17.
Source: Aokishi issue 5B and website