Leiji Matsumoto‘s Galaxy Express 999 manga and anime franchise is inspiring a stage musical that will run at the Nippon Seinen-kan Hall in Tokyo in April 2022. Akinori Nakagawa (left in image below) is reprising his role as Tetsurō Hoshino from the manga’s previous stage play adaptations in 2018 and 2019, while Sayaka Kanda (right) is playing Maetel.
Yūna Koyama is directing the musical from a script by Ako Takahashi. Mickie Yoshino, the vocalist and composer for the band Godiego, is the stage production’s musical director, and he is also providing a new arrangement of the classic anime theme song “Ginga Tetsudō 999.” The stage musical will incorporate some new story content to create a “complete” story.
The story of the anime and manga follows a young orphan named Tetsurō as he travels with a mysterious woman named Maetel through the galaxy on a space train, in the hopes of obtaining a cybernetic body. The train stops at many planets along the way, often leading to adventures for the two.
The franchise had the Ginga Tetsudo 999 Galaxy Opera stage play that ran in July 2018, and the Ginga Tetsudo 999 Sayonara Maetel ~ Boku no Eien sequel play that ran in April-May 2019.
The original 18-volume manga ran from 1977-1981 and the 113-episode television anime series aired from 1978-1981. An anime film alternate retelling premiered in 1979. The franchise then spawned multiple other movies, specials, and original video anime (OVA) projects.
Sources: Galaxy Express 999 musical’s website, Comic Natalie