Frontwing announced on Monday that it is producing a new short anime titled Irodorimidori, based on the in-story band of the same name from Sega‘s Chunithm rhythm arcade game. The short anime will premiere on television in 2022.
Frontwing describes the anime:
IRODORIMIDORI takes place in the Maigahara Music College Affiliate School Maigahara Senior High (abbreviated as MaiMai). It is at this musical academy that the most promising musical talents gather, and the story of these girls will unfold.
The cast includes:
Sega launched its Chunithm arcade game in 2015, introducing the “Irodorimidori” in-story group alongside the game. Trigger previously animated a music video for the band. Irodorimidori‘s story has been told within the games and manga, and is currently in its “second season.”
Sega will release a new version of Chunithm on November 4 that will support 120fps framerates and online play.
Bushiroad acquired a controlling stake in Frontwing in March.
Source: Press release