Having aired between 1994-2004, audiences have had a lot of time to think about Friends. Friends took the world by storm and is still one of the most beloved sitcoms ever released. Each character had their highs and lows, allowing the viewer to relate to them. However, they weren’t always being the best friend that they could be.
After so long since Friends’ initial release, most viewers have noticed that Ross doesn’t act in the best interests of his friends. In fact, he is the instigator of most arguments. Ross is least willing to back down from a fight, even when he’s the one in the wrong.
10 Ross Kissed Chandler’s Mom
It’s the unspoken rule, friends don’t date their friend’s family members. It’s messy, rarely works out, and someone gets hurt in the process. In The One With Mrs. Bing, Ross was drunk and hurting when he kissed Nora Bing, Chandler’s mom.
Ross should have known that Nora was off-limits. Chandler had a very confusing and difficult relationship with his family. As Chandler’s oldest friend, Ross should have known that. In his time of pain, Ross didn’t even spare a thought for Chandler until it was too late.
9 Ross Stole Charlie From Joey
When Joey dated Kathy in the early seasons of Friends, Chandler was at a complete loss and almost destroyed his friendship with Joey. Ross and the others said Chandler should have just asked Joey to step aside, everyone agreeing that Joey would do so for his friend. The same scenario arises in season 9 and Joey is in a relationship with Charlie. Ross doesn’t follow his own previous advice. Instead, he sees Charlie behind Joey’s back. Unlike Chandler, Ross doesn’t feel half as guilty, finally getting what he wants.
8 Ross Never Supported Phoebe
Phoebe was always the odd-ball of Friends, with her beliefs, unusual hobbies, and zany eccentricities. By all accounts, she is the character foil to Ross. Despite their differences, Phoebe always supported him. She was the first one ready for Ross’ black-tie event at the museum, she encouraged him to play music at Central Perk, and she was his confidante when Ross was still married to Rachel.
Ross rarely repays Phoebe’s kindness, often telling her that her thoughts or beliefs are wrong. This is especially true when Phoebe believes that her mother’s spirit is in a cat. Phoebe needed a healthy way to say goodbye to her mother who died when she was a child. Ross could have swallowed his pride to support his friend. As usual, he had to have the last word.
7 Ross Lied To His Parents About Chandler
When he was younger, Ross was caught smoking marijuana and convinced his parents that it was Chandler. Ross let them believe that his friend was a drug addict. He could have ended the lie at any time, considering that Chandler was likely always going to be a part of his life. Ross would rather ensure that his parents hate Chandler than deal with the consequences of his own actions.
For this reason, the Geller parents didn’t like Chandler. It didn’t even occur to Ross to tell the truth when Monica and Chandler began dating. It doesn’t matter to Ross who he has to blame for his failures, as long as he gets off scot-free.
6 Ross Won Over Dr. Green By Insulting Rachel
Ross desperately wanted Dr. Green to like him when he and Rachel were dating. Instead of impressing Rachel’s father with his achievements or goals, Ross found he could bond with Dr. Green by insulting Rachel and mocking her insecurities. Rachel even snidely commented that Ross could go one step further and tell her father about her medical history. Instead of taking that as a sign to stop, Ross was happy to keep insulting Rachel, as long as it took the heat off him.
5 Ross Got Angry At Joey For Telling The Truth
In The One Where Joey Tells Rachel, Joey was going through a hard time, conflicted by his feelings for Rachel. Joey finally poured his heart out to Ross. Even though Ross encouraged the speech, he got mad at Joey for thinking about Rachel romantically. Joey said he wouldn’t date Rachel if Ross wasn’t okay with it.
Unfortunately, Ross doesn’t care for his friend’s feelings. Ross would rather spend his time belittling Joey than listening to Joey’s apologies. Ross asked for honesty, but couldn’t handle the truth.
4 Ross Never Treated Carol And Susan With Respect
The audience can understand Ross’ difficult relationship with Susan. When taking Ben into consideration, Susan was always going to be a part of Ross’ life. As a trio of co-parents, Ross should have kept his scathing insults to a minimum and treated the couple with respect. No matter how much time passed, Ross continually acted petty and angry over the past. Ross didn’t put his son’s needs first, nor was he happy that Carol found someone to spend her life with.
3 Ross Shunned Monica And Chandler’s Relationship
Over their long friendship, Ross should trust Chandler, or at least have the decency to talk to Chandler if something was bothering him. When Ross discovered that Monica and Chandler were together, he didn’t trust his best friend or his sister.
He accused them immediately, assuming that their relationship was nothing more than physical. Considering who Monica and Chandler are to Ross, the viewer is left to wonder why he doesn’t trust them.
2 Ross Ignored Rachel’s Need For A Career
When they were in a relationship, Ross did many terrible things to Rachel. He was possessive, put his own needs above hers, and there was the iconic “we were on a break” argument. One of the most overlooked things that Ross did to Rachel was ignore her need for a career. For the first time in her life, Rachel was independent and successful.
When she started focusing on her career, he became jealous and possessive. He interfered with her work, embarrassed her, and implied that her career wasn’t as important as his. The one time Rachel needed support from Ross, she got accusations, heartbreak, and childish behavior.
1 Ross Made Sure His Parents Neglected Monica
Whenever Judy and Jack Geller made an appearance on Friends, it was clear that Ross was the golden child. The Geller parents took much more of an interest in his life than Monica’s. Monica often tries to win her parents’ affection by mentioning her accomplishments.
Ross competes with Monica, and he actively reminds his parents he’s their favorite. If their parents focus on his faults, he throws Monica under the bus. Ross reminds his parents about why he’s their favorite child, and also ensures that Monica knows it too. No matter what happens, Ross is always there to remind Monica just how inadequate she is in this toxic relationship.
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