In “The Great Jigow Scavenger Hunt,” the players’ characters must solve a number of riddles and complete a series of skill challenges to retrieve a stolen crate of supplies. This free D&D adventure can be played as a standalone adventure or serve as a lead-up to the events of chapter one of Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep.
“The Great Jigow Scavenger Hunt” introduces the town of Jigow, several NPCs from Call of the Netherdeep, and includes a free map of Jigow. The adventure can be completed in one to two hours by a group of three or four 3rd-level characters using the basic rules.
Adventure summary
This one-shot adventure takes place the day before the Festival of Merit, an annual celebration that hosts a variety of contests of strength and cunning. As locals prepare for the event, the characters learn that a small crate of festival prizes has gone missing—and someone has left clues to their hidden location. Tasked with retrieving the crate, the characters will have to solve riddles and visit locations throughout Jigow to retrieve the prizes in time for the Festival of Merit.
Player objectives
- Answer the call to retrieve the stolen crate of festival prizes.
- Search a field of rice plants.
- Corral a wild horizonback tortoise.
- Win a drinking contest.
- Go for a swim in the Ifolon River.
- Explore a maze.
- Do a jig for goblin children and scale a building.
- Confront the thief.
DM tip. This homebrew adventure includes a modified—but labeled—map from chapter one of Call of the Netherdeep. If you’re planning to run that adventure and prefer the events of chapter one to be a surprise, I recommend skipping this one-shot.
Character creation
The players act as 3rd-level characters visiting the goblin and orc town of Jigow. Characters will explore various locations throughout Jigow to discover and solve riddles and take down some unexpected monsters to recover stolen goods. Characters that excel at sleuthing and that are cunning will perform particularly well in this adventure, while those that can read others well may receive some additional help in completing this quest.
Adventure start
The town of Jigow is nestled on the banks of the Ifolon River and is home to all manner of goblinkin. Homes and businesses are built atop the backs of gargantuan tortoises and occasionally sway when these beasts of burden stretch or move.
There’s an air of anticipation as you wander through the streets. Colorful banners and other decor are being hung up for tomorrow’s Festival of Merit. Merchants are setting up tables with trinkets and the pungent air mingles with the smell of fresh-baked bread. Above you an orc sits on the steps of a three-story inn named the Unbroken Tusk. She waves a torn sheet of parchment and shouts down at a group of goblinkin arguing with one another.
“I already told you that’s all the paper says. If you want to have a go at it, then be my guest, I’ve got pies to bake,” she shouts, tossing the parchment into the crowd and going inside the inn. An elderly goblin man snatches the parchment out of the air and muses over it.
The riverside town of Jigow is preparing for its annual Festival of Merit, a time when folks can test their strength and cunning in all manner of contests. On the eve of this event, locals have discovered that a small crate containing festival prizes has been stolen. A riddle nailed to the side of a local inn (area J1) owned by the orc Agathe Silverspoon reveals that the thief has prepared a scavenger hunt for any who wish to retrieve the stolen crate.
When the characters arrive, a small crowd of locals have already learned about the thievery and are trying to decipher the riddle. It sets off the events of this adventure. If the characters ask to see the parchment containing the riddle, the elderly goblin gladly hands it over. It reads:
Year by year we drink and dance in the merry Festival of Merits. And what a prize are the prizes we gift to those who are cunning and strong. But what of our mettle?
Friends and family of Jigow, I challenge you on the eve of our festival, to a test that will take you through our beloved town. If these streets are foreign to you, you need not fret. Here is a map with a list of locations where you may or may not find clues. Should you wish to retrieve the stolen prizes and win one for yourself, you need only begin your journey with this riddle: Ankle-deep you’ll wander to tug a blackened thread in a sea of bending blades.
Below this message is a map with nine noted locations. Share the labeled map and list found under “Key Jigow locations” with the players. As their characters solve riddles and complete challenges, they’ll travel between these locations. When the players are ready, they can begin the challenge or enter the Unbroken Tusk (area J1) for more clues.
Where to next? The characters must travel to the rice paddies (area J5) and find a small patch of rice plants that have been trampled. Within this patch is a black strip of leather tied to the next clue.
Key Jigow locations
J1. The Unbroken Tusk
J2. An unfinished maze
J3. Ifolon River
J4. Beefslab Butchers
J5. Rice paddies
J6. Horizonback tortoise paddock
J7. Staging area
J8. Temple of the Luxon
J9. Helter-Skelter
Who stole the crate? Elder Colbu Kaz, a chaotic neutral goblin who rules over Jigow alongside the orc Elder Ushru, set up this scavenger hunt to drum up more excitement around the Festival of Merit. He’s worked with a number of individuals to set up the event and keep tabs on those who undertake the challenge.
J1. The Unbroken Tusk
A set of stairs lead up the back of a gargantuan tortoise, atop which is the Unbroken Tusk. The dining area of this inn is abuzz with chatter surrounding the mystery note. As the horizonback tortoise that the inn is built atop shifts, the entire structure leans slightly to the left. Some folks tumble out of their seats and let out hoots and hollers.
The characters can find Agathe and other staff inside the inn’s kitchen preparing meat pies for the festival. Although fussed, she is friendly to the characters. If asked about the note left at the inn, Agathe says:
“I heard some hammering outside early this morning but didn’t bother to look. Folks here have been hanging up all kinds of decorations, so I figured someone was just putting up a banner. By the time I wandered outside, whoever left that note was long gone. As to who it was, I haven’t the slightest clue. They could have been a merfolk for all I know. They were sopping wet enough to be one.”
The note was left at the back exit of the Unbroken Tusk. A character that succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers a set of muddy footprints belonging to a Small-size humanoid. These footprints smell like fertilizer, hinting at the next location, the rice paddies (area J5).
J5. Rice paddies
Northeast of the Unbroken Tusk lie acres of wetlands. Locals sit on rocking chairs or hang up flags and look out over areas reserved for rice paddies. Two elderly goblins wander kneedeep among them.
The goblins are a couple and go by Beetle and Zag. They own the rice paddies and will be hosting an event for the Festival of Merit. If asked about the riddle found at the Unbroken Tusk, the two will fail to provide any meaningful information but will permit the characters to search the area. A DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that they know more than they are letting on. (See “Bargaining the goblins” below for more information.)
The next clue can be found in a small section of trampled rice plants. The characters can find this area with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check or by spending one hour wandering the fields. A subsequent DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a damaged black leather strip hidden among rice plants. The strip is stuck in the mud, having been partially eaten by a wandering earth elemental sleeping underwater. Removing the strip requires a DC 11 Strength check and reveals that it is attached to a tiny tortoiseshell with a star painted on it. Whether on a success or failure, the earth elemental awakens and attacks.
Bargaining the goblins. That morning, Elder Colbu Kaz paid each of them 1 gp to plant a clue in the rice paddies and to keep quiet about their interaction. If a character offers the couple at least 5 gp each, Beetle and Zag will happily walk the characters to the area where the next clue can be found and even warn them of the slumbering earth elemental.
Where to next? The tortoiseshell hints that the characters must travel to the horizonback tortoise paddock (J6). The star indicates the pattern they must find on young horizonback tortoises they’ll encounter.
J6. Horizonback tortoise paddock
Near the Ifolon River in southern Jigow, a fenced-off field is home to young horizonback tortoises. Each is roughly the size of a fully grown elephant and most can be found slumbering in the sun or munching away at hay left out for them. A commotion draws your attention. One of the horizonback tortoises, spooked by your approach, reels up and begins to charge.
“Woah, woah, woah!” its orc handler shouts, trying to reign the beast in to no avail. The horizonback tortoise breaks through the fence and charges at you.
Each character must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage as they are trampled by the horizonback tortoise. With the fence broken, other horizonback tortoises begin meandering out into the streets. The tortoise that charged the party becomes distracted by a nearby cart of hay used to supply feed to the livestock. Its handler, an orc named Adan, shouts for help from the party:
“Real sorry about that! That one there is skittish. Shouldn’t be a problem now that she found some hay. Do me a skinny and help me fetch that tortoise. I’ll pay you 5 cp a pop for the favor!”
If the party agrees to help Adan, they must make a group DC 13 Charisma (Intimidation) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. On a success, they lead the creature back into the damaged enclosure. Characters that use hay to lead the tortoise back get advantage on their Animal Handling checks. On a failure, the creature charges again, after which the characters can make another group check. If the characters harm the tortoise in any way, it flees and Adan tells them to stop and becomes unfriendly to the group. In this case, Adan retrieves the tortoise on their own.
When the young horizonback tortoises are back in their enclosure, Adan begins repairing the fence. If presented with the leather strip and painted tortoiseshell, Adan says that the leather matches the material he uses for bridles. If asked about the star painted on the shell, Adan remarks that he’s too busy to worry over such things. No matter their attitude toward the characters, Adan allows them to wander the grounds and inspect the tortoises on the promise that they are not harmed. Adan does warn that the creatures may snap out of fear.
Comparing shell patterns. To find the next clue, the characters must inspect the young horizonback tortoises. A character that spends at least 10 minutes inspecting the tortoises can make a DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find three tortoises with a star shape on their shell. A creature that makes this check must make a subsequent DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (1d10) piercing damage as the young tortoises are occasionally startled and snap at them.
When the three tortoises are discovered, a character that succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check can calm the tortoises enough for the characters to discover a note tucked on the inside of one of the tortoise’s shells. Characters that use hay to distract the tortoises get advantage on their checks. Once acquired, the note reads:
“Hope you don’t think I’m a jerk. Let’s meat for a round?”
Where to next? The riddle is a pun for a round steak and also hints at the challenge awaiting the party in the next location (area J4). If the characters return to the Unbroken Tusk instead, Agathe meets them and informs them that nothing of interest has happened since their departure. If the players get stuck, Agathe can identify that “round” refers to a cut of meat.
J4. Beefslab Butchers
Beefslab Butchers can be found in a small brick building blanketed in the shadows of the two larger businesses that flank it. A young male orc leans against the corner of the butcher, gnawing at jerky and paying you no mind. Inside, meats of various kinds hang from the ceiling and you see a male goblin hacking away at a slab of meat as large as he. “Now that’s some keen folk wandering into my shop! What’s your business? Bet I can guess it!” he shouts.
Vars is the owner of the butcher shop. He sells an assortment of meats—both raw and in jerky form—as well as a house mead.
Elder Colbu Kaz asked Vars for help in challenging whoever betook his scavenger hunt, to which he gladly agreed. When he learns the characters are completing it, Vars grabs an assortment of glasses and asks them to follow him out back to a grassy area where locals enjoy food and drink.
As Vars fills the glasses with mead, he calls out to two individuals, a male ogre named Class and a female bugbear named Neckbreaker. The two seat themselves at a table near the characters as Vars serves them each a glass of mead. As he does, he says to the characters:
“A lovely fellow I won’t name asked me to pass along a message to anyone trying to find the missing festival prizes. I’m happy to be of assistance—if you can best my good friends here in a drinking contest. There’s only one rule to this game: the last person standing wins. Now, which of you lot are in?”
Vars covers the cost of drinks for any characters participating in the drinking contest. To compete, each participating character drinks a glass of mead and makes a Constitution check with a DC equal to 8. This DC increases by 2 for each subsequent drink. A creature that fails this check by 5 or more is poisoned for 1 hour. When a character fails a total of two Constitution checks, they lose the contest.
Use the following modifiers for the other contestants’ Constitution checks:
- Class: +2
- Neckbreaker: +3
If the characters win the contest, Vars claps the winner on the back and shares the following:
“I’m not so good at riddles now,” Vars admits, “but I’ve seen the map you’ve been given and can offer you this: you smell awful wretched, covered in mud and drink and the like. How’s about a dip? Is that good enough?”
If the characters lose the contest, Vars shrugs and tells the characters they gave it an honest effort. He still offers a clue, albeit a more cryptic one:
“I’d hate to leave you empty-handed,” Vars says, “so how about this: I’ve seen that map, and Jigow takes after trees a bit. You know, with branches and all that. One’s the longest branch and it’s got a little-bitty branch off that. That’s where you’ll need to dip.”
If the characters struggle to make sense of this clue, Vars eventually gets frustrated and tells them to jump into the Ifolon River.
Where to next? The characters must jump into the Ifolon River (area J3) and search for buried treasure.
J3. Ifolon River
Coming to the Ifolon River, you see a family of goblins playing in the waters. Small fishing vessels are moored to the docks and a pair of orcs unload a haul of fish. As you look offshore, you hear a whistle and spot a green dragonborn lounging in a kayak. He points into the waters below him.
The green dragonborn is named Keyekee and Elder Colbu Kaz paid him 5 sp to keep an eye out for any looking to complete his scavenger hunt for the stolen festival prizes. Keyekee was more than happy to oblige.
The waters of the Ifolon River are cold but not dangerously so. Swimming to Keyekee is a short distance that doesn’t require a skill check. When the characters get to him, he says:
“I haven’t got anything clever to say, just start digging. If you find anything, you can drop it in my kayak. Just don’t get me wet, those waters are cold.”
To find the next clue, the characters need to locate and unbury a small treasure chest in the Ifolon River. Characters may find trinkets during their search, though Keyekee will be quick to point out that these are unrelated to their quest.
To search the Ifolon River, a character needs to make a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. When a character succeeds on this check, roll a d100. On a result of 70 or lower, they discover a trinket. Roll from the table of trinkets in the basic rules. On a result of 71 or higher, or after succeeding in three Perception checks, they find the next clue:
“Though you may be eager for the end, sometimes getting lost is half the fun.”
Fish with a bite. The characters digging in the river have attracted the attention of two swarms of quippers. When the characters discover their next clue, they are attacked. Use the rules for underwater combat found in the basic rules. One character can fit on Keyekee’s kayak but must succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check at the start of each of their turns or fall into the water.
Keyekee doesn’t help the characters in the fight but does offer colorful commentary.
Where to next? The clue found in the treasure chest points the characters to the incomplete maze found in area J2. There, they’ll find their next clue at a dead end.
J2. An unfinished maze
Just north of the docks you find an incomplete maze with four-foot tall walls that wind through a field. Perched atop one of these walls is an aarakocra with tan feathers dressed in blue robes. At his feet is a large crate of folded banners. Seeing you, the aarakocra perks up. “Care to test the merits of my maze?” he asks excitedly.
The lawful neutral aarakocra is named Sharpwatch. He has been testing different configurations for the maze in preparation for the Festival of Merit and occasionally issues orders to a group of orcs moving the walls of the maze around. If the characters agree to test out the maze, Sharpwatch asks the orcs to take a break.
Sharpwatch is aware that Elder Colbu Kaz has hidden a clue in his maze. As such, he encourages the characters to explore it. To find the next clue, the characters must search the maze for a clue hidden in one of the maze’s dead ends. They can do this by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check. When they do, they come upon a wall that has been enchanted to sing a song:
Stomp and spin, then stop and turn,
Now do a jig and do a flip,
Not a dance nor a game,
I’m madness untamed,
Where you’ll find me,
Chaos reigns!
DM tip. Characters that complete the maze do not get an advantage when participating in the One-Shot Solution game detailed in Call of the Netherdeep as Sharpwatch will make changes to the maze upon their departure.
Where to next? The song leads the characters to Helter-Skelter (area J9), where they’ll need to impress a couple of children to get their next clue.
J9. Helter-Skelter
This complex has a barracks that houses guards and a five-sided mansion. A goblin girl carrying a baton runs past you giggling as you enter the complex. She is followed by a pair of hobgoblin guards hollaring after her. Though a few guards are stationed here, they’re too overwhelmed by throngs of children running amok.
This part of Jigow houses guards and includes a mess hall. The mansion belongs to an important representative of the Kryn Dynasty. If you’re playing this adventure as a one-shot, replace this powerful figure with a well-to-do drow with prime real estate.
To help keep the characters out of trouble for the final part of their scavenger hunt, Elder Colbu Kaz invited numerous families to Helter-Skelter for a children’s day. As a result, if the characters report the missing festival prizes here, a guard will be quick to tell them that they have more important matters to attend to, like keeping children from climbing atop the barracks.
Amidst this chaos, a pair of twin kobold brothers approach the characters.
Two young red kobolds hop in front of you and pose as heroes of old. “We’ve been told to expect some sopping-wet adventurers, and you fit the ticket!” one says. “We know where to find your next clue, but you’ll have to impress us first!” says the other.
To learn the location of the last clue, the characters must impress the kobold brothers with a show. Doing so requires the party to succeed on a DC 11 group Charisma (Performance), Strength (Athletics), or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a failure, the brothers boo and hiss and then demand another act. If the party fails for a second time, the brothers are disappointed and give the location of the next clue anyway with an eye roll. Alternatively, a character can make a DC 13 Charisma (Intimidation) check to scare the brothers into revealing the clue’s location.
A climb to the top. The final clue is in a lockbox atop the dodecahedron-shaped mansion. Climbing onto the roof of the mansion is difficult as its walls have few footholds. A character can reach the top with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Once on the roof, the character discovers a lockbox, with an AC of 12 and 10 hit points, that can be opened with a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Inside, they find the following clue:
Alas, our journey ends,
Across from where we began.
Speak the end to the man,
Who’s got more words than he’ll say,
and many prizes you’ll obtain.
Where to next? The riddle directs the characters to the Temple of the Luxon (area J8) and offers a password (“the end”) to speak aloud.
J8. Temple of the Luxon
The Temple of the Luxon is a five-sided structure made of peculiar glass that lets off a faint glow. The front doors open to a dimly lit temple where lights dance along the tall, black walls. A few worshippers wander the temple, climbing stairs up to its second and third floors.
The temple was built for the Luxon, an Exandrian deity. Worshippers see dodecahedrons as a symbol of their faith. Elder Colbu Kaz can be found on the second floor, jotting down riddles in a journal and giggling to himself. The elderly goblin wears flowing violet robes and will be short but polite with anyone who approaches him. He won’t reveal that he’s the thief unless presented with the password retrieved in Helter-Skelter (area J9). Upon hearing it, Elder Colbu Kaz jumps to his feet and congratulates the characters:
“Huzzah! I’d convinced myself the scavenger hunt was much too difficult, but you’ve done it! Consider me impressed. I’m Elder Colbu Kaz, one of the leaders of this delightful town you’ve explored. I thought to myself the other day, ‘What’s a way to drum up some excitement around the Festival of Merit?’ And what do you know, I dreamed this up, though I’ve got many thanks to offer my helpers. How’s about we walk and talk?”
Elder Colbu Kaz leads the characters to the staging area (area J7) down the street from the Temple of the Luxon. Along the way, he excitedly explains how he set up the riddles and decided on the various challenges of the scavenger hunt.
J7. Staging area
Down the street from the Unbroken Tusk, you find a cordoned off area flanked by homes and businesses built atop resting horizonback tortoises. You see various crates and tables overflowing with supplies for the Festival of Merit, as well as a small stage that’s been set up. A pair of guards bar your way into the area.
Both guards are male bugbears tasked with watching over the supplies. On occasion, they allow a Jigow resident to grab a banner or other decor from a box to be hung up elsewhere in town. When they do, an elderly female hobgoblin named Merelin standing on the side of the road screams that the guards have allowed more goods to be stolen. A character with a Passive Insight score of 3 or higher can tell the bugbears are very much annoyed with her.
The guards refuse to divulge any information regarding the missing prizes. In truth, Elder Colbu Kaz ordered them to hide them in this area and keep their location a secret. The crate of prizes is mere feet away from where they were previously stored.
VIPs only. Unless the characters are accompanied by Elder Colbu Kaz, the guards refuse the characters entry into the staging area. If he is present, proceed to “Conclusion.”
As you come to the staging area, the guards bow to Elder Colbu Kaz. He leads you onto the stage and shouts over the bustle of townsfolk preparing for the Festival of Merit: “My dear friends of Jigow, we have here the winners of our first annual Great Jigow Scavenger Hunt!”
There’s scattered applause over the announcement and Elder Colbu Kaz is forced to go on a long-winded explanation about how the festival prizes weren’t stolen, simply hidden away until someone could complete the scavenger hunt. Merelin calls for the elder to be arrested and a few goblin townsfolk shout about the trouble he’s caused. Elder Colbu Kaz looks troubled as he turns to the characters.
“It appears a bit of damage control is in order. I’m going to skip the part where I make a show over giving you your prizes.”
He hands the characters a coin purse containing 20 gp, as well as the homebrew medal of mettle. It is made from smoothed stone, hangs by a cord, and has been signed by various townsfolk. He then hops offstage and rushes to address the growing crowd of angry Jigow residents.
Other perks of victory. If you’re continuing the adventure in Call of the Netherdeep, the various NPCs hosting events during the Festival of Merit will have a friendly starting attitude with the characters, unless they caused trouble. The rival Ayo Jabe will also be impressed by any characters who recount their involvement in the scavenger hunt. You may impart other benefits as you see fit. For example, if the characters were kind to the young horizonback tortoises in area J6, they may get advantage when participating in the Herding the Horizonbacks event during the festival.
Michael Galvis (@michaelgalvis) is a tabletop content producer for D&D Beyond. He is a longtime Dungeon Master who enjoys horror films and all things fantasy and sci-fi. When he isn’t in the DM’s seat or rolling dice as his anxious halfling sorcerer, he’s playing League of Legends and Magic: The Gathering with his husband. They live together in Los Angeles with their adorable dog, Quentin.