Fortnite birthday quests are here, celebrating Fortnite’s 4th birthday and giving players a chance to earn new rewards. As is usually the case, Epic has added a new series of Fortnite Birthday Quests that will have you running around the map like a true party animal.
We’ve collected all the Fortnite birthday quests together below so you’ve got guides in one location. This includes birthday cake locations, where to throw birthday presents, and more.
Read on for the full guide.
Fortnite birthday cake locations
Wondering where to dance in front of a birthday cake in Fortnite? The map below highlights four locations where you can easily find a giant birthday cake. Detailed descriptions of each cake location are further below.
Fortnite birthday cake 1: On the east side of Misty Meadows in the street.
Fortnite birthday cake 2: The gas station at Catty Corner.
Fortnite birthday cake 3: East end of Retail Row in the parking lot.
Fortnite birthday cake 4: By the northeast exit of Lazy Lake.
Where to throw presents in Fortnite
Another Fortnite birthday challenge is to throw birthday presents, a consumable with a high level of rarity. They can’t be found in loot chests, only as floor loot.
Your best bet is to visit one of the several alien UFO crash sites around the season 8 map. You’ll recognize these by their burnt orange color. These areas have a lot of floor loot, so the odds of finding a birthday present are slightly higher than elsewhere.
This challenge will potentially take you a few tries to nail since you need to throw four birthday presents. When you do throw them, they create a box made out of gift wrapping, which acts like any other structure you build in the game.
Where to consume birthday cake in Fortnite
This is a very simple challenge. All you need to do is visit the birthday cake locations we showed you up above, and then consume the plates of cake surrounding each large birthday cake. You’ll have to do it in different matches, though, so this one will take a few runs.
Don’t forget to check out our Fortnite section for more challenge guides and news on the latest skins.