Calum Von Moger, an Australian bodybuilder and actor who played Arnold Schwarzenegger on television, has turned on his former idol following his “screw your freedom” remarks. Von Moger utilized social media to spread his message, adding that he was also removing the Arnold Schwarzenegger posters that had earlier fueled his bodybuilding prowess stating, “I can’t support someone who doesn’t support our freedom.”
Schwarzenegger made the snide remark at a recent CNN interview when he was promoting masks and some schlub who wrote a book. In the rant, non-mask wearers were referred to by Arnold as “schmucks” who added, “Screw your freedom!”
BREAKING: Australian Bodybuilder, celebrity & actor who played Arnold in a movie rips down his Schwarzenegger posters after his “screw your freedom” rant pic.twitter.com/qNF6dRfq2s
— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) August 19, 2021
Related: “Screw Your Freedom” Schwarzenegger Turns Into a Girly-Man Fascist
Von Moger earned the nickname Arnie 2.0 when he played the Hollywood action hero in the film Bigger.
“I looked up to him my whole life while I was training,” Von Moger said That has since changed, with Schwarzenegger declaring that our days of liberty are over and that the time has come for everyone to do what they are told and wear a mask to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus.
Related: Schwarzenegger’s ‘Arnold Classic’ Loses Sponsor over ‘Screw Your Freedom’ Comments
Another one-time admirer and long-time business sponsor dropped its support for the Arnold Classic bodybuilding competition over the Hollywood star’s “screw your freedom” tirade. As we reported last week Aaron Singerman, the owner of Redcon1, a supplement manufacturer, told reporters that it could no longer support the Arnold Classic because of Schwarzenegger’s anti-American sentiments.
Redcon1 said its decision to withdraw from the Arnold Classic is unrelated to masks. “To be clear we did not pull out of the event because of a mask issue,” the statement continued. “We understand the importance of public safety as well as the responsibilities of all event organizers. These are unprecedented times and we’re aligned with public safety for all.”
Shamefully, Schwarzenegger is a hypocrite.