Flash Sale: Get 15% Off Select Map-Ready Adventures! – Posts


For a limited time, navigate your way to epic adventures with 15% off Dragons of Stormwreck Isle and Keys from the Golden Vault!

These adventures, along with Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk and Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, have been integrated with our newest tool just released in Alpha: Maps! This tool features a gamespace where Dungeon Masters with a Master-tier subscription can quickly and easily provide a space for tactical gameplay with their players. All of the aforementioned books’ maps and creature tokens have been integrated with the tool, allowing you to set up a battle map for your encounters in minutes!

If you’re looking to prep less and play more, getting into these books and trying out Maps is the best way to make your adventures easier with D&D Beyond. Don’t wait! This sale ends September 24 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

An image showing the covers for various D&D books. The text reads, "D&D Beyond Maps. Try Maps Alpha in your next D&D game."


How Do I Access Maps?

Master-tier subscribers can access Maps from D&D Beyond’s homepage and from the “Tools” dropdown menu.

What’s Included in This Flash Sale?

These two books are included:

Is the Sale Available in the D&D Beyond App?

No, digital book sale prices will only be reflected in the browser version of the store.

Can I Gift Discounted Items to a Friend?

Yes, discounted digital books and dice can be gifted. At checkout, select “Purchase as a gift.”

How Do I Share the Content From My D&D Beyond Books?

Master-tier subscribers can share content they’ve purchased with players in their campaigns. Simply go to My Campaigns and select your specific campaign. Then, navigate to “Content Management” and select which books you’d like to share.

How Do I Add New Dice to My Character Sheet?

Check out our article on How to Customize Your Character Sheet on D&D Beyond for instructions to setting your new dice in the browser and app versions of D&D Beyond.


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