In the Fairy Tail series, the wizards have many different kinds of magical abilities. Some magic can deal with weapons, like the reequip ability of Lucy’s teammate, Ezra. These magical powers help the wizards fight their enemies or finish a quest.
Another type of magical ability is the one that allows the wizard to connect with spirits from another realm. This ability is one that Lucy uses. As a celestial wizard, she uses her set of unique keys to call in beings from their realm. But, despite the spirits’ powers, their jobs aren’t easy, and the spirit may not enjoy participating in the quest.
10 The Spirit Can’t Always Pick Their Wizard
Even though spirits are powerful in battle, they can’t always choose the owners of their keys. A celestial wizard can buy or sell the key without talking to the spirit, and the keys can be dropped, lost, and given away. As a result, even if the spirits are powerful, the abilities can’t always control what happens to them and their keys.
Lucy’s spirits had this problem when she dropped them into the water. Likewise, the spirit whose ability deals with water that she used in that fight was not happy with her afterward.
9 The Owner May Disrespect The Spirit
Even though a spirit is a celestial wizard’s greatest power, it doesn’t mean that the spirit will be respected and treated like this power is important. When Lucy first used her spirit in the series, she immediately started ordering Aquarius around and yelling at her. While Natsu was busy getting motion sickness, Lucy and Aquarius began to fight with each other.
As a result, Lucy wasn’t respectful of her spirit. Her disrespect for the spirit angered Aquarius, causing her to attack Lucy along with the enemy.
8 The Owners Just Pull Them In When The Wizards Need Them
Since the keys are the connection that a spirit has with a celestial wizard, there are times when the spirits don’t see the wizard often. For example, when Lucy and her team deal with Lyon Vastia, the celestial wizard pulls out a key to get the harp.
After going to Lucy, the spirit mentioned that Lucy used to use her key more often. In fact, Lucy did enjoy the harp’s music. But, when she called the harp, Lucy hadn’t used her key in a while.
7 They May End Up With An Evil Owner
A spirit’s key is simply an everyday object without a celestial wizard using it. As a result, the key can be transferred to owners in different ways. So the key of a spirit could end up with an evil celestial wizard, who will want to use the spirit’s abilities.
If this happens, the spirit can’t simply move its key away from the villain. As a result, the spirit could end up working for an evil wizard until a different celestial wizard comes to fight the villain or the key is separated from the villain.
6 The Spirit Can Get Controlled
During the fights between the celestial wizard and an enemy, the enemy may have a unique magical ability. This ability allows the enemy to take control of the spirit. This magic was used against Lucy and her spirit, Taurus.
When Lucy used Taurus’ key, he came out to fight for her. Unfortunately, the other wizard took control of her spirit and made him attack his wizard. The only way that he could save her was by leaving her to fight without one of her strongest spirits.
5 Their Wizard May Be Cranky
When a celestial wizard is fighting, there are times when this wizard gets cranky. The wizard will then yell or get angry with the spirit because the spirit isn’t doing what they want. As a result, the spirit has to deal with a celestial wizard who may be in a bad mood.
This problem has happened to Lucy’s spirits, like Aquarius. If this problem happens to Lucy’s spirits, they may end up interpreting her complaining, like the clock spirit. Also, they can get yelled at like Aquarius was before, and no one likes to be yelled at, not even spirits.
4 The Wizard May Use Them For Physical Labor
Unfortunately for spirits, they may be forced to do something they don’t want to do. Even though spirits can have unique strengths, there are times when a wizard doesn’t use the potential of the spirit’s special abilities. Instead, the wizard may use the spirit for other personal needs that have to do with the spirit’s forms.
For example, Lucy used the clock’s key to use him for physical labor. In other words, she got inside of him and had him walk for her. While he was walking, the clock also had to interpret for her since she was inside of him.
3 Their Powers Are Different
When it comes to a celestial wizard’s keys, the wizard will have many different spirits. The powers of these spirits are unique and can fight differently. For example, when Lucy used the Crab’s key, he came out and attacked the enemies and their hair.
However, even though the keys bring in spirits, the spirits coming from the gates don’t have the same power or power levels. As a result, the wizard can’t use certain spirits for certain jobs because some of them won’t be helpful for it.
2 The Spirit May Get Attacked Like A Monster
Even though the spirit’s celestial wizard is using them to help, the spirit can still get mistaken for a monster or threat by allies of the wizard. This problem happened to Lucy’s spirit, Taurus. After watching Natsu get attacked by a monster, Lucy called Taurus in to protect her and fight the monster for her.
Unfortunately, Natsu saw Taurus, and he then knocked the bull out. As a result, Taurus was unable to protect Lucy, and his weapon wasn’t helpful for her and Natsu.
1 A Wizard May Manipulate The Spirit
Sometimes, the celestial wizards may not use the spirit’s abilities in a straightforward way. After all, when the spirits enter a battle, they usually come to the fight in the middle of it. As a result, the wizards may create a plan while they are fighting. This plan may include the wizard manipulating the spirit.
This type of plan is one that Lucy has used with Plue. She knew that Plue couldn’t defeat her, so she used Plue as a diversion when fighting an enemy who controls spirits.