Comics News

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: MILES TO GO #5 brings the series to its conclusion


Next week AfterShock Comics will release Miles to Go #5. The final issue of the series, which follows a woman who was raised as an assassin and who is now trying to raise a daughter on her own, comes from writer B. Clay Moore, artist Stephen Molnar, and letterer Dave Sharpe. Today The Beat has an exclusive first look at four pages from the forthcoming comic.

Here’s how AfterShock describes Miles to Go #5:

Revelations about the true nature of Amara Bishop and her daughter lead them into a frightening new chapter of their lives, and “retired” killer Moses Graves must decide if he’ll follow them past the point of no return.

(“Retired” being in quotes there doesn’t instill one with confidence that ol’ Moses has stopped with the killing…)

Back when the series was announced, Moore described what he sees as the appeal of Miles to Go, and what he hopes has kept readers coming back for more:

“I think we’ve created a unique protagonist with a backstory and a ‘hook’ that will deepen as the story moves forward. One of the underlying themes examines the ways we relate to our loved ones in the wake of difficult decision-making, which hopefully adds some depth to what is, on the surface, an action-oriented genre tale.” He added, “The goal is to create a genre story that’s not only heavy on the action, but also brings flesh and blood characters to life while exploring some deeper themes just below the surface.”

The series has experienced a number of delays in its shipping schedule, with four months between the third and fourth issues and another four months between the fourth and next week’s fifth and final issue. Still, if the preview below is any indication it will have been worth the wait. A collected edition of the series is also due out in December, for those who like to give comics about trained killers to people as holiday gifts.

Check out the exclusive four-page preview below. Miles to Go #5 arrives in stores and digitally next Wednesday, September 1st.


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