Last month Dark Horse Comics announced Avatar: Adapt or Die, a new six-issue miniseries set in the world of James Cameron‘s sci-fi/fantasy movie epic. The May-debuting series, which follows the early days of humanity’s time on Pandora, comes from the creative team of writer Corinna Bechko, artist Beni R. Lobel, colorist Wes Dzioba, and letterer Michael Heisler. Today The Beat has an exclusive first look at artist Mark Molchan‘s cover for Avatar: Adapt or Die #2, due out in stores in June.
Here’s how Dark Horse describes Avatar: Adapt or Die #2:
A common childhood ailment is revealed to be much more as symptoms among Na’vi children intensify. As Mo’at searches for a cure, she worries the infection was caused by humans. Meanwhile, Grace makes a discovery—one that questions her role in this crisis.
Adapt or Die is the latest Dark Horse Comics series set in the world of Avatar. The 2019 series Tsu’tey’s Path by writer Sherri L. Smith, penciller Jan Duursema, inker Dan Parsons, and colorist Dzioba told a story parallel to the events of the first movie, while last year’s four-issue The Next Shadow by writer Jeremy Barlow, artist Josh Hood, and colorist Dzioba picked up Jake Sully’s story in the immediate aftermath of the movie.
Released in 2009, Avatar was the highest grossing movie of all time for a decade before it was overtaken by Avengers: Endgame. Along with comic and video game tie-ins, a long-in-development sequel, one of four, is supposedly coming out later this year, though with studios moving movies around as the Covid-19 pandemic waxes and wanes, who knows if that will actually happen or if the release will be delayed.
Check out Molchan’s cover to Avatar: Adapt or Die #2 below. The issue is set to arrive in stores and digitally on Wednesday, June 1st.