The beloved “Tamagotchi” is now part of the third installment of the Choco Sap series! Each two-tone chocolate capsule contains a colorful dotted mini figure and a pedestal resembling a classic Tamagotchi device. Once assembled, these figures look like they’ve jumped right out of the screen, bringing the nostalgic world of Tamagotchi right to your desk!
The feet and pedestals of these mini figures are designed to match, allowing you to mix, match, and display your favorite characters in creative ways. Whether you’re collecting a large number for an impressive display or combining your favorites to relive cherished memories, this collection offers endless enjoyment.
Plus, there are two secret figures to discover, adding an extra layer of excitement. Can’t wait to see which ones you’ll get! This is a must-have for any Tamagotchi enthusiast. Don’t miss out on creating your very own Tamagotchi world! Check out the Choco Sap series!
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