2021 saw DC Comics take new directions with their characters. More characters are now part of the LGBTQ+ community, giving important representation and inclusivity. Batman is DC Comic’s flagship character. At any given time, the company has dozens of comics running starring the Dark Knight and spin-offs centered on associated character.
2021 was no different. 2021 saw the debut of many new comic series, both limited and ongoing, starring Batman. 2021 also saw huge changes made by DC, and the debut of many new comics that bore the “Batman” title.
13 The Next Batman: Second Son Stars Jace Fox
As with almost all entertainment, digital platforms have become increasingly vital to the readership of comics. The first new Batman comic of 2021 was a digital-first series. The Next Batman: Second Son debuted in February 2021 in 12 successive issues. Second Son was then printed in 4 instalments a few months later.
Written by John Ridley with a team of artists, Second Son starred Batman, but not Bruce Wayne. Rather, it stars Jace Fox, the estranged son of Bruce’s long time ally Lucius Fox. And, true to the series’ title, the next Batman.
12 Batman: Urban Legends Is An Anthology Series Spotlighting Different Characters In Gotham City
Despite his reputation as a loner, Batman has the largest cast of sidekicks and costumed partners of any superhero – Marvel or DC. Ongoing Batman: Urban Legends takes advantage of this. Urban Legends is an anthology focusing on different members of the Bat-family and their allies in Gotham City.
Many of the published stories serve as pilots for ongoing series, such as Deathstroke Inc. Debuting in March 2021, Urban Legends opened with six part Cheer storyline written by Chip Zdarsky and starring Jason Todd. Urban Legends #6 became a landmark issue when it featured Tim Drake coming out as bisexual.
11 Batman: The Detective Is A Europe-Set Adventure
Batman: The Detective, debuting in April 2021, brings together rising-star writer Tom Taylor and veteran Batman artist Andy Kurbert. This 6-part mini-series takes Batman out of Gotham City and head to England, in pursuit of a villainous organization called Equilibrium.
Along the way in following this mystery across Europe, Batman runs into his old ally, Henri Ducard. The Detective wrapped up in November 2021, being the first Batman comic to both debut and wrap up last year.
10 Batman/The Fortnite Was An Unexpected Crossover
Epic Games’ Fortnite has becoming a phenomenon in the gaming world since its 2017 debut, and is no stranger to cross-company marketing. It was only matter of time before there was a comic crossover. DC naturally chose Batman as their entry point to Fortnite.
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point was written by Christos Gage and Donald Mustard. Zero Point debuted in April 2021 and wrapped that same year. It’s a 6 issue mini-series and, surprisingly enough, canon – it’s best not to consider all the implications of that.
9 Legends Of The Dark Knight Returned In 2021
Batman: Legends Of The Dark Knight debuted in 1989 as an anthology series focusing on tales from Batman’s early days. Legends Of The Dark Knight was the beginning of the influx of Batman comics which endures to this day. Fitting then that the title was revived (simply as Legends Of The Dark Knight) in 2021.
Debuting in the month of April, this is the series’ third iteration. Like previous ones, it is an anthology with a rotating creative team. The main innovation is that this time, Legends Of The Dark Knight is a digital-first title.
8 Batman: Reptilian Was Another Mini-Series
Despite working in the comics industry, Garth Ennis is a noted superhero hater, preferring to write war comics. The closest he’s gotten to superhero ongoings in the past have been PunisherMax and Fury: My War Gone By. In short, Ennis isn’t who one would expect to be writing a Batman comic, yet in 2021, that’s what happened.
Debuting in June 2021, Batman: Reptilian (written by Ennis with art by Liam Sharp) was the latest mini-series in DC’s Black Label line. Reptilian was dedicated to telling more adult-centered stories about their most iconic characters.
7 Batman ’89 Returned Fans To The World Of Tim Burton’s Batman
Michael Keaton will be returning as Batman in 2022, first in The Flash. 2021 gave fans a preview of his return in Batman ’89, which returns to the Gotham City as Tim Burton portrayed it in his Batman film duology. Batman ’89 was written by screenwriter Sam Hamm (who wrote Batman and Batman Returns) with art by Joe Quinones.
Batman ’89 positions itself as the true sequel to Batman Returns. ’89 follows up on plans to feature Billy Dee Williams’ Harvey Dent become Two-Face, reintroduce Catwoman, and bring Robin into Burton’s world. Debuting in August 2021, ’89 is set to conclude early in 2022.
6 Batman Vs Bigby Was A Crossover With Fables
Batman/Fortnite wasn’t the only comic crossover of 2021. One of the most successful series from DC’s defunct Vertigo imprint was Bill Willingham’s Fables. Fables focused on fairy tale creatures who reside in the New York City community, Fabletown. The Big Bad Wolf, or “Bigby Wolf,” is the sheriff of Fabletown. Fables concluded in 2015, but it’s legacy endures.
2021 saw Fables intersect with the mainstream DC Universe. Batman Vs Bigby! A Wolf In Gotham is a 6-issue mini-series penned by Willingham and illustrated by Brian Level. Batman Vs Bigby!, which is canon for Fables, sees Batman and Bigby team up to solve a series of murders.
5 I Am Batman Is A Jace Fox Ongoing
2021 was an important year for Jace Fox. Launching out of Second Son, I Am Batman is an ongoing series penned by John Ridley. I Am Batman follows Fox’s adventures as Batman. Debuting in October 2021 with an issue #0, I Am Batman has published 5 issues thus far, with a sixth forthcoming.
Shortly into I Am Batman‘s publication, Jace decided to say goodbye to Gotham. He headed to New York City, a metropolis just as in need of a dark knight. The series title is a clear statement – Jace is just as much Batman as Bruce, not a mere pretender to the cowl.
4 The Long Halloween Special Followed Up On A Classic
Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s The Long Halloween is a classic Batman story. It was recently adapted into a two-part animated film and was one of the main influences on Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. The Long Halloween looks to be a big influence on Matt Reeves’ forthcoming The Batman.
Loeb and Sale returned to Gotham City in October 2021 with Batman: The Long Halloween Special. Arriving in time for the titular holiday, the comic sees Gilda Dent return to Gotham and hints at future follow-ups.
3 Batman: The Imposter Previews The Upcoming Film
Batman fans will see how screenwriter Mattson Tomlin approaches the character when The Batman releases on March 4, 2022. Before then, fans can get a preview with Batman: The Imposter. A three part Black Label mini-series, The Imposter is written by Tomlin with art by Andrea Sorrentino.
Set during Bruce’s first year as Batman, The Imposter fittingly features Bruce investigating the presence of a second Batman in Gotham, one who isn’t shy about lethal force. The Imposter debuted in October 2021 and wrapped in December.
2 Robin & Batman Shows Dick Grayson’s Early Days As A Superhero
Robin & Batman goes back to Batman’s early days. Robin & Batman focuses on Batman’s sidekick, Dick Grayson aka Robin. Robin & Batman was written by Jeff Lemire with painterly art by Dustin Nguyen. Robin & Batman depicts Dick shortly after his parents’ murder and Bruce’s adoption of him.
The mini-series shows his early missions as Robin, his first adventure with the Teen Titans, his relationships with Bruce and Alfred, and his defeat of Killer Croc. Robin & Batman debuted in November 2021 came to a close with the publication of the third issue in January 2022.
1 Batman: One Dark Knight Shows Darkness Fall On Gotham
Batman: One Dark Knight was drawn, written, inked, and colored by frequent Batman artist Jock. True to its pun of a title, One Dark Knight shows Gotham City by hit by an EMP and Batman having to sort through the chaos.
One Dark Knight’s prestige format and bigger pages allows Jock the space to create some truly breathtaking images of Batman and Gotham. Debuting in December 2021 at the tail end of the month, the latter two chapters will be coming in 2022.
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