Over the course of his Pokémon journey, Ash has been able to catch all sorts of different Pokémon. By exploring a vast variety of different regions, locations, and terrains, Ash has managed to catch Pokémon of every single type, but he has certainly favored some over others over the course of the entire anime.
Considering how Dragon-type options were very limited in the first few generations of Pokémon, the likelihood of Ash ever catching and owning one never seemed too high. However, ever since his adventures in Sinnoh, Ash has owned six Dragon-types, with each of them showcasing their talents in different ways and some being given more time to shine than others.
6 Naganadel Had A Unique Design & Type Combination, But Ultimately Didn’t Get To Battle Enough
Although Poipole was a lovable companion of Ash’s during his Alolan adventures, it came back as its evolved form of Naganadel and helped Ash in his 6-on-6 exhibition battle against Professor Kukui at the end of the Manalo Conference. Naganadel defeated Kukui’s Lucario before falling to the formidable Tapu Koko, but it left fans wanting to see more of it.
The dual Dragon and Poison-typing was intriguing, it had an impressive move-pool including the likes of X-Scissor, Thunderbolt, Sludge Bomb, and Dragon Pulse, and to top it all off, it was an Ultra Beast, making it one of Ash’s most unique and mysterious Pokémon in the entire series.
5 Dracovish Needs More Time To Showcase Its Ferocious Battling
In Pokémon Journeys, Ash Ketchum finally managed to get his hands on a Fossil Pokémon, Dracovish. This meant that his team for the series consisted of Pikachu, three long-term fan favorites in Lucario, Dragonite, and Gengar, and two Galar region Pokémon with Sirfetch’d and Dracovish. Not only did Ash finally build a consistent and stacked team for the series, but they each contributed to impressive wins.
The dual Water & Dragon-type Dracovish had the honor of knocking out Iris’s Dragonite when the two squared off in their reunion battle after Ash’s own Dragonite had previously been struggling. Despite later losing to Iris’s Haxorus, Dracovish put on a good showing. Over the course of the anime, Dracovish showcased its powerful move-set with the likes of Fishious Rend, Water Gun, and Ice Fang.
4 Noivern Was Not Given Enough Time To Show Its True Potential
Despite being an incredibly strong Pokémon in the games, Noivern spent most of the anime as its pre-evolved and baby form Noibat, so had little time to grow up and properly flex its battling muscles. It fought against Ash’s rivals Sawyer and Alain in a few separate battles, but it wasn’t until the Kalos League that it really started to look impressive.
Noivern forced an incredible underdog double knockout against Sawyer’s Salamence in the semi-final but was unfortunately outclassed and outmatched against Alain’s Weavile in the final. Noivern was a part of one of Ash’s best-ever teams with his Kalos lineup, and had there been more to their Kalos adventure after the Lumiose Conference, then Noivern could have become so much stronger.
3 Gible Put On A Strong Showing For Ash At The Sinnoh League, Even If It Should Have Evolved Further
Ash caught his Gible relatively late on in his adventures throughout Sinnoh, so it was ultimately unable to showcase its full ability and battling prowess. However, it did show glimpses during Ash’s Sinnoh League battle against Conway when it managed to defeat his Shuckle and Dusknoir by utilizing its obsession with biting things and its devastating move-pool.
Gible even put up a decent fight against Tobias’s formidable Darkrai before being defeated, and this got fans wondering what would have happened if Ash had been able to use Gible in its fully evolved state, Garchomp. Garchomp has been shown to be something of a behemoth over the course of both the anime and the games, mostly under the ownership of Champion Cynthia.
2 Goodra Grew & Overcame Its Past To Become A Much Stronger Battler
Goodra became a favorite among fans, especially once it evolved from Sliggoo. Goodra had previously been a weak and scared Pokémon in its previous forms and had been chased out of its homeland by a despicable Florges. However, in its fully evolved form Goodra, it was much stronger, as showcased in its Double Battle victory alongside Pikachu against Tierno’s Raichu and Wartortle.
After defeating Clemont’s Luxray with more impressive battling, Goodra returned home and was able to resolve its past issues. Ash even released it as it seemed happy to be home, although he would later call on its help for the Kalos League. Goodra wasn’t quite able to show off its full potential at the Kalos League, also known as the Lumiose Conference, with it being forced into a double knockout by Sawyer’s Slurpuff, and falling to Alain’s ruthless Bisharp in the final. Goodra boasted an impressive move-set including the likes of Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, and Dragon Breath. Even Bide was shown to be one of its most devastating weapons, and Rain Dance helped to utilize its Ability of Hydration.
1 Ash Getting A Dragonite Was A Long Time Coming
Fans rejoiced when Ash finally got his hands on a Dragonite in Pokémon Journeys. In fact, the series saw him catch multiple Pokémon that he should’ve already caught at some point during his lengthy Pokémon journey, with the likes of Lucario and Gengar. All three Pokémon had been opponents of Ash’s on multiple occasions, more often than not under the ownership of seriously strong and formidable trainers.
Over the course of the entire anime, Dragonite have been shown to have very expressive and unique personalities, which isn’t always something that has been emphasized within multiple Pokémon of the same species. While Iris’s Dragonite has an angry expression that fuels its aggression in battle, Ash’s Dragonite started off being more affectionate before it endured fierce battles and lessons to toughen it up. Ash’s Dragonite was able to overcome Iris’s Haxorus when they faced off in a Pokémon Journeys battle, despite previously having to be withdrawn from battling Iris’s own Dragonite.
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