The Guardians of the Galaxy movies have been a surprise for many Marvel Cinematic Universe fans. Before joining the MCU’s roster, the space misfits were largely an unknown factor, characters most viewers weren’t familiar with. But from their very first movie, the Guardians were able to cement their importance in the MCU and in fans’ hearts.
With Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3, the so-called Space Avengers will return to cinemas. The movie is due for release on May 5, 2023, but no real plot details have been revealed. Fans do have some information in terms of recurring cast and may draw their own conclusions from there. Some characters, like Chris Hemsworth’s Thor and Sylvester Stallone’s Stakar Ogordare, are expected to show up but have not been confirmed yet.
10 Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill Returns Hoping To Find His Lost Love
Star-Lord hasn’t had the best time in the MCU lately. Fans weren’t thrilled with his outburst in Infinity War, blaming Peter for the success of Thanos’ plans. He is turned to dust in the Snap, like most of the other Guardians, but even after being brought back by the Hulk, he can’t just resume his life from before. The woman he loves is still dead, as the Blip was unable to undo Gamora’s death. He reunites with an alternate version of his lover, but she rejects him.
To make matters worse, the Guardians’ past activities haven’t exactly been legal or above board. With both Ego and Yondu Udonta dead, Peter has lost his Celestial powers and his main support in the Ravagers. And even with his allies by his side, the threat he’ll have to face won’t be easy to handle.
9 Zoe Saldana’s Gamora Has To Adjust To A Future That Doesn’t Belong To Her
One of the saddest scenes in Avengers: Infinity War is, without a doubt, Gamora’s death. While on Vormir, Thanos trades her life for the Soul Stone, as she is the only being he loves. The character returns in Endgame, though not in the way viewers may have expected. During the Time Heist, a 2014 version of Gamora, still working for Thanos, comes into contact with the time-traveling Nebula.
Her genuine affection for Nebula makes her overcome her misgivings, and she joins their side during the battle against Thanos. After the heroes win, however, she finds herself stranded in a future that doesn’t truly belong to her. She leaves after Tony Stark’s Snap ends Thanos’ rampage, perhaps seeking purpose or a way to adjust. Peter and the others go searching for her, but it’s unclear what conditions they will find her in.
8 Karen Gillan’s Nebula Wishes To Have Her Sister Back
Nebula’s relationship with Gamora has always been tempestuous, with Nebula even trying to kill Gamora on multiple occasions. The two finally set their differences aside during Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2. Nebula now genuinely considers Gamora a sister, and it is these feelings that made Gamora free her while she is held captive by the alternate version of Thanos.
They team up during the battle against him, and Nebula even ends up killing her past self. But while she and Gamora do have a close bond, it’s not quite enough, as evidenced by Gamora’s departure. She undoubtedly just wishes to have her sister back, and she will likely join the others on their quest to find her.
7 Dave Bautista’s Drax Needs To Reunite His Second Family
For the longest time, Drax has been motivated by his desire to avenge his family, who were killed by Thanos in one of his cullings. Since then, he has found a second family, in the Guardians.
Brought back by the Blip, like Quill and many of the others, he may be seeking to answer his peculiar, but amusing question: “Why is Gamora?”
6 Pom Klementieff’s Mantis May Explore Her Bond With Drax Further
Mantis and Drax have always had a strange bond. His blunt honesty has led to him offending her on more than one occasion, but she doesn’t seem to mind, and even within the Guardians, they have a close connection.
It seems unlikely that this relationship will ever turn romantic, and maybe it wouldn’t even suit them, but it would be interesting to see their bond explored further.
5 Vin Diesel’s Groot Should Be Growing Out Of His Awkward Teenage Years
Easily one of the most popular Guardians of the Galaxy’s members, Groot has so far died twice in the MCU. His original version sacrifices himself to save his friends in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1, a truly heart-wrenching moment made even sadder by his last words “We are Groot.”
The appearance of Baby Groot soothed the wound for many fans, though James Gunn later explained the younger version of Groot was more like the original’s son. Since then, viewers have watched Groot grow into a teenager, then die in the Snap. It may be too soon for the young Flora Colossus to reach maturity again, but his character may have progressed further since he was last on-screen.
4 Bradley Cooper’s Rocket Could Be The Main Instigator Of The Plot
The quest to find Gamora is important, but it’s likely not the only thing Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3, will be about. The talking raccoon, Rocket, may be the determining factor in his team’s next adventures. Despite being the most intelligent member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket can be very reckless. During Guardians of The Galaxy, Vol. 2, they are hired by the Sovereign to defeat the Abilisk that was eating the Anulax Batteries. After receiving their reward—a captive Nebula—the Guardians depart the Sovereign planet.
Without the other Guardians’ knowledge, however, Rocket steals some of the Anulax Batteries, leading the Sovereign to send waves of Omnicrafts after them. On two separate occasions, the ships are destroyed by Ego. The dispute with Sovereign still remains in place and will likely be vital for the movie’s plot.
3 Sean Gunn’s Kraglin May Help The Guardians In Yondu’s Memory
A member of Yondu Udonta’s group of Ravagers, Kraglin is very loyal to his leader—until Yondu takes his protectiveness of his surrogate son, Peter Quill, a little too far. After that, Kraglin joins the mutiny led by Taserface. Seeing Taserface kill all his friends, he shows regret and later helps the Guardians.
During the battle on Ego’s planet, he is the one who flies most of the Guardians away, saving them from the conflict between the two Celestials. The character returns in Avengers: Endgame, where he participates in the battle against Thanos, alongside other Ravagers. He presumably returns to space after that, and it’s unclear what his role in the third movie will be.
2 Elizabeth Debicki’s Ayesha Is Out For Revenge Against The Guardians
The High Priestess of the Sovereign, Ayesha, vows revenge against the Guardians after the incident with Rocket. The loss of their ships just makes matters worse. She is summoned by Sovereign’s council members, who demand explanations about the loss of resources.
Ayesha later reveals she has a new plan to defeat the Guardians, the creation of Adam Warlock.
1 Will Poulter’s Adam Warlock May Be The Guardians’ Main Enemy
The only character to not have made a previous appearance in the MCU so far, Adam Warlock will finally join the cast, played by Will Poulter. His presence is mentioned in the finale of Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2, when his Birth Pod is shown, and he will definitely play a vital role in the third movie.
Adam’s origin is different in the comics. He is created by a group of Earth-bound researchers called the Enclave, originally identified only as ‘Him,’ and meant to be the perfect human being. He later comes into contact with the High Evolutionary, who renames him Warlock and gives him purpose. Warlock becomes the hero of a planet called Counter-Earth, one of the High-Evolutionary’s experiments. Over time, he has been the ally of various Guardians, but he’s also had to fight an evil future version of himself who identifies at Magus. Interestingly enough, Adam has a strong connection to the Soul Stone. It’s unclear how this will be addressed in the MCU, where the Stone has been destroyed, but one thing is certain: Adam will most likely be an opponent of the Guardians, and a very difficult one to beat.
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