Comics News

Eternals Monopoly Board Reveals the Marvel Film’s MCU Locales


Thanks to Monopoly, fans can now see a few of the worlds and places The Eternals will venture in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film.

Marvel’s Eternals will feature a lot of diverse settings visited across the team’s millennia-long stay on Earth. An upcoming Eternals-themed Monopoly game provides fans a look at what those locations will be.

Artwork featuring the game board and pieces surfaced on social media. The board’s central illustration features the 10 Eternals, their spaceship, a red Celestial and a mysterious ring. Surrounding the board are purchasable properties which take the viewer through ancient periods in human history including Mesopotamian, Babylonian, and Pataliputra eras, as well as locations like the Aztec pyramids and Australia’s Ayers Rock. The more expensive pieces, by comparison, showcase both contemporary English locations and the more cosmic elements of Eternals culture, most notably their home planet of Olympia.

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Trailers for Marvel’s Eternals have generally focused on the alien race’s role in guiding humanity. According to director Chloé Zhao, Eternals will tell separate stories divided into two different timelines about the Eternals and their monstrous adversaries the Deviants, with one taking place in the past and the other in the present. Additionally, both of the Eternals timelines were shot on practical locations, a decision Zhao repeatedly insisted on doing over the use of VFX and green screens, like previous Marvel films.

While Eternals marks the first true adaptation of Jack Kirby’s characters, aspects of the Eternals’ world have been teased in prior Marvel films. Thor: Ragnorak and Guardians of the Galaxy introduced the Collector’s Museum on Knowhere, a mining base made from the remains of a dead Celestials’ head, and Guardians also featured a holographic glimpse of one Celestial using the Power Stone to destroy an entire world.

Nothing yet has hinted that those films will be acknowledged. However, the second trailer for Eternals teased its connection to Avengers: Endgame, revealing that the Avengers’ actions unwittingly created the right circumstances for a planet-threatening phenomenon known as “the Emergence.” Audiences will see just how Zhao’s Eternals adapts the comics and connects to the MCU when the film hits theaters on Nov. 5.

KEEP READING: MCU Theory: Thor’s Age of Ultron Vision Foretold the Eternals’ Movie Threat

Source: Twitter

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