by MrAJCosplay/Cartoon Cipher,
After the crazy hectic week I just had, this felt like the perfect episode to re-instill my faith in humanity. What I originally thought was going to be an episode that primarily focused on what these characters do outside of the workspace ended up turning into an excuse to basically give us viewers a double date. This is probably one of the more direct episodes with regards to its romantic implications for what are ostensibly our two main couples. When it comes to Futaba and Takeda, it’s become very clear that the two have already integrated themselves into the everyday aspects of each other’s lives. This doesn’t just apply to their close working relationships (which now that I think about it while writing this, we actually haven’t seen that much compared to the first two episodes). Futaba actually kind of put it best when she said that them going out for ramen together doesn’t exactly make it feel like they’re on vacation but another way I’m looking at it is her admitting that this is their ordinary life now and both are happier because of it. I think the final nail in the coffin will be whether or not Takeda begins to realize just how much being around Futaba adds to his life in terms of variety and fun. Maybe that can be the next step we address soon?
But enough about the more subtle stuff going on let’s talk about some of the bigger romantic pushes that went on because wow I do not expect this much development between Sakurai and Kazama in a single episode. Kazama especially has always been more of a withdrawn character who just quietly observes things in the background but it’s nice that he kind of acted as the main driving force in their relationship this episode and I like how it came from a place of him acknowledging the fact that he wants to keep Sakurai all to himself. These two are so cute together! They bounce off of each other so well from the playful teasing to the moments where they seem to know exactly what the other is thinking. It really shouldn’t be a doubt in either of their minds that they have feelings for each other but they’re both just one or two steps shy of admitting it to the other. And the best part is that none of this feels frustrating or forced. These two are just enjoying each other’s company because much like Futaba and Takeda, they each add a fun dynamic to the other person’s life that they want to keep around. Sometimes that’s all it takes. My heart feels so full at the progress that was made here and I genuinely am wondering if they have any plans to top it for the show’s remaining couple of episodes.
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