
Eggsauce Ted Review – All Ages of Geek


Today we are going to chat all about Eggsauce Ted! These creative NFTs are very special because they not only have a unique design but they also help out an amazing cause. Before we chat about how these NFTs are helping the world let’s talk about their designs. 

Their design is very similar to Invader Zim. Making it perfect for any NFT collector looking to find nostalgic art. 90’s kids will LOVE these NFTs. On their OpenSea you can see the amazing NFTs with different designs and accessories. Each character is looking in the same direction however they are all unique in color, background, and again accessories. One may be wearing sunglasses while another will have a cool hat on. The possibilities are endless!

Now we will talk all about how they are helping the world. With every NFT sale they make they will be donating their profits to feed more homeless shelters. They will also be donating money to Ameloblastoma, a noncancerous tumor that develops most often in the jaw near the molars. One of their founders is an Ameloblastoma survivor and wants to help this cause. 

Eggsauce Ted is an amazing collection of NFTs that every collector should consider checking out. They are all over social media, have their own Discord Server, and of course are on OpenSea. Be sure to check them out today: 






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