The Dragon Ball franchise debuted in 1984, and after more than two decades, it is still one of the world’s most popular franchises. In terms of story, Dragon Ball is fairly repetitive, but the fights have always managed to entertain fans. Those same fans were ecstatic when the Dragon Ball Super series was announced. The series began with the introduction of Beerus, a God of Destruction who was accompanied by Whis.
Whis is an angel, and his job is to train Beerus. Whis is one of the strongest beings in existence, and interestingly enough, only his father and the Omni King are confirmed to be stronger than him. Not many anime characters would survive an encounter with Whis, but there are a few who might be able to take him down.
10 Onoki Can Disintegrate Him With His Dust Release (Naruto: Shippuden)
Onoki might’ve been old, but no one could deny the fact that he became one of Naruto’s strongest allies. He served as the Stone Village’s Tsuchikage for decades, and he possessed an extremely rare and powerful nature transformation called Dust Release.
Dust Release allows Onoki to produce three-dimensional objects in his hands, and when he fires these objects at an opponent, they travel incredibly fast and expand. Anything caught within this object is then disintegrated at the molecular level. Whis may be unimaginably durable, but even his body cannot handle disintegration.
9 Saitama Should Be Able To Beat Whis, But He’ll Need More Than One Punch (One-Punch Man)
The anime world is filled with characters who seem to always be bored, and Saitama is one of them. However, his boredom would probably subside if he got the chance to fight someone like Whis. In his universe, Saitama is considered to be the strongest being in existence, and he has never been injured in a fight.
Most enemies who fight Saitama are killed after just one punch, but there is a handful who have required more. Whis would definitely be able to survive Saitama’s first punch, but in a prolonged fight, it is hard to tell how many blows Whis’ body will be able to endure.
8 Tomura’s Quirk Should Work If He Can Touch Whis (My Hero Academia)
Most humans in My Hero Academia possess powers known as Quirks, and some of these Quirks deserve to be forbidden because of how strong and dangerous they are. Tomura Shigaraki is the Grand Commander of the Paranormal Liberation Front, and his Decay Quirk is quite frightening.
This Quirk allows Tomura to disintegrate anything or anyone he touches, to the point that he can kill multiple people at once. He can also destroy large portions of a city singlehandedly. Whis is incredibly fast, so he should be able to avoid Tomura. Although, if the villain’s Quirk manages to connect in any way, the fight will be over.
7 Even Whis Can’t Stop Baraggan’s Aging Powers (Bleach)
Baraggan is one of the strongest Espada, and his power makes him one of the group’s more useful members as well. Baraggan represents old age, and in his base form, he can project a time dilation field that would definitely annoy Whis.
If Baraggan were to release his Zanpakuto, his aging powers would amplify to the point that even Whis wouldn’t be able to avoid them. With his Resurrección active, Baraggan can cause any object around him to rapidly age until it turns to dust, which means that Whis will die if he uses any melee attacks.
6 Law Can Simply Use His Devil Fruit To Separate Whis’ Body (One Piece)
There are a few harsh realities associated with eating Devil Fruits, but some of the abilities are certainly worth the trouble. Trafalgar D. Water Law possesses the Op-Op Fruit, and it allows him to create a spherical space. He can then manipulate the movements and body parts of anyone caught within his space.
In a normal fight, Whis would destroy Law without even breaking a sweat, but if Law uses his power, Whis will be lucky to even move. Law can simply sever Whis’ arms and legs and then move them to the other end of the battlefield. If Whis is unable to move, he won’t be able to attack either.
5 Lelouch Can Command Whis With His Geass (Code Geass)
Lelouch vi Britannia is an ordinary human, which means that he stands no chance against Whis in an actual fight. He could try piloting a mech, but Whis would likely cut through it like butter. Luckily, Lelouch possesses a Geass, which is a very powerful ocular ability.
If Lelouch makes direct eye contact with Whis while his Geass is active, he will take control of Whis’ nervous system for a short time. He can then issue a command that Whis must follow. At that point, Lelouch needs to simply command Whis to stand down or destroy himself.
4 Anos Voldigoad Can Defeat Other Gods (The Misfit Of Demon King Academy)
As the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad is the most powerful demon in The Misfit of Demon King Academy series. Thanks to his Magic Eyes of Destruction, he is capable of disintegrating anything in his line of sight. He also possesses a tremendous amount of magic power that allows him to manipulate time in certain instances.
He wields a magic sword called Venuzdonoa, and it is capable of destroying anything in existence, including things that are deemed to be infinite or eternal. As an Angel, Whis fits into the eternal category, so he likely would not survive multiple attacks from this sword.
3 Estarossa’s Full Counter Would Be Problematic (Seven Deadly Sins)
Seven Deadly Sins did a great job of introducing characters, and the Ten Commandments certainly felt menacing when they debuted. Estarossa possessed the Commandment of Love, which rendered anyone with hatred in their hearts powerless.
The Commandment may not actually work on Whis since he does not appear to hate anything, but Estarossa’s Full Counter ability certainly will. Full Counter allows Estarossa to return physical attacks back at his opponents with double the strength, which means that Whis would inadvertently be hitting and injuring himself.
2 Zommari Rureaux Can Take Control Of Whis’ Body With His Resurrección (Bleach)
Zommari Rureaux is the 7th Espada, and he possesses incredible speed. If Whis were to take on Zommari in a melee fight, he would undoubtedly win, but the Espada has a very useful Resurrección that can turn Whis into his servant.
The Resurrección covers Zommari’s body with fifty eyes, and each eye allows him to take control of an object. The controlled object is identified by a sun-shaped tattoo, and if a tattoo lands on Whis’ arm, Zommari can attack him with it. If the tattoo lands on Whis’ head, Zommari will take control of his entire body.
1 Light Can Just Write Whis’ Name In The Death Note (Death Note)
Light Yagami started out as a normal high school student, but he ended up becoming anime’s strongest human villain. This happened because Light found a Death Note, a notebook that had the power to kill anyone as long as their name was written in it.
Whis can literally snap Light like a twig, but Light doesn’t even need to speak to Whis directly in order to kill him with the Death Note. All Light has to do is wait for someone to say Whis’ name, and he can then write it in the notebook. The Death Note’s power is absolute, and if Light doesn’t write a cause of death, Whis will suffer a fatal heart attack.
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