Comics Reviews

Doctor Doom Confirms an MCU Guardian Of The Galaxy Has Mystical Potential


Doctor Doom’s team-up with the Guardians of the Galaxy in Last Annihilation reveals which member of the team has the greatest mystical potential.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #18, on sale now from Marvel Comics.

The Guardians of the Galaxy are largely sci-fi-centric, which makes sense considering their place in the more cosmic corners of the Marvel Universe. Although there is some magic power and potential in some members of the team, there isn’t a nominal mystical master within their roster. But as the team finds out during the Last Annihilation, one of their number has the potential to go down that route, if they so choose.

Guardians of the Galaxy #18 by Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri, Federico Blee and VC’s Cory Petit reveals that Doctor Doom believes Gamora might be capable of handling and even mastering magic — which would be an interesting skill for the Galaxy’s Most Dangerous Woman to pick up.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora Magic

Dormammu’s invasion of the core-Marvel Universe has been a titanic one, forcing the Guardians of the Galaxy and the assorted empires of the universe to rally together against the Dark Dimension’s hordes of Mindless Ones. It’s been a difficult battle for sure, with the heroes barely holding their own against such devastating power. But Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon are revealed to have formulated a plan behind the scenes that have the potential to bring down the devilish force. While Rocket and his allies (including Cable) procured a weapon powerful enough to actually attack Dormmamu’s physical form, Doom creates a pentagram with four of the Guardians — Drax, Moondragon, Star-Lord and Groot.

By using the Cosmic Circle he’s formed — and amplified by the innate power of the Stellar Avatars he’d assembled around him — Doom is able to capture and confine the powers of Dormammu. It turns out Doom hadn’t been the only person who could have completed the circuit, however. As he reveals to Star-Lord, Gamora could have filled his role as the Ascendant — the one capable of controlling the circle and playing an important part in the plan to stop Dormammu. Each of the Avatars fills a role within the circuit that represents the universe, and Doom thinks Gamora could arguably be considered “he who wears the mask” — which considering his pride, is really saying something.

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gamora power

Doom even notes that she’s been exposed to both the Infinity Stones and the Black Vortex. Both are incredibly powerful artifacts, capable of shaping and shifting reality around the user. And Gamora has utilized both, giving her a unique distinction in the Marvel Universe. It’s an interesting concept, especially given Gamora’s typically straightforward role and approach to combat. As the Galaxy’s Most Dangerous Woman, Gamora has brought plenty of hurt to her enemies over the years — but typically with a certain level of physical power. But as Doom points out, she’s survived contact with multiple artifacts that are often considered among the universes’ most powerful.  While she may not have control over those powers now, it’s never too late to adapt to them — as someone like Doctor Strange can attest.

Gamora could even gain some tutelage from her allies, such as Wiccan, whose increased prominence in space since becoming the royal magician (and husband) of the Kree/Skrull Alliance Emperor could allow him to show her the ropes in an interesting way. Having a prominent mystic wielder among the core-Guardians roster could be a useful tool in any number of conflicts, and could help expand Gamora’s ability to help people — or hurt people, if the circumstances call for it. With the universe seemingly entering at least a brief period of peace following the defeat of Dormammu, now would be the perfect time for Gamora to expand the skills she learned in events like Infinity Wars and pick up some spell-craft.

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