Disney Covering Up Jessica Rabbit to Make Her ‘More Relevant’
Disneyland has just made an obnoxious update to their “Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin” attraction in order to make the notoriously sultry femme fatale “more current” by upgrading Jessica Rabbit from a beautiful siren to a buttoned-up detective and making her the show’s star.
The seductive character will no longer be costumed as provocatively as the famous animated sex symbol from the 1988 film Who Framed Roger Rabbit? According to Yahoo News, instead of being in continual danger, Disney promises the new Jessica Rabbit will be more empowered and “relevant” to today’s society. Jessica Rabbit was kidnapped by the wicked Toon Patrol Weasels in the ride, which first premiered in 1993.
She was also spotted tied up in a car trunk during one leg of the journey. However, Disney has scrapped the scene, replacing Jessica Rabbit with barrels of acid.
first time i feel like a disney boomer bc actually we should be getting MORE jessica rabbit animatronics, not less https://t.co/3RnbWmBzWA
— Vee M. 🔮 (@nobodysbabynow1) September 22, 2021
Instead of her beautiful ruby-red, low-cut dress, Jessica Rabbit now wears a trench coat and fedora. A new sign was reportedly installed in the attraction to remind tourists of Jessica Rabbit’s new employment.
This isn’t the first ride that Disney has lately theoretically redesigned to be less “problematic”. Their Jungle Cruise attraction was also renovated to remove anything that could be regarded as “racist” before it reopened in July. Also last year, Disney promised to retool its “Splash Mountain” ride after some claimed its theme had “ties” to racism.
Fans were NOT impressed.
Disney blindly stumbling into the objectification vs. sex positivity debate by saying Jessica Rabbit needs to have a masculine job and wear masculine clothes in order to be empowered. https://t.co/4BaQTC9ZmW
— David Daut (@DavidMDaut) September 15, 2021
Disney does not understand the concept of Jessica Rabbit… pic.twitter.com/shD7aO6zge
— TrueUnderDawg (@TrueUnderDawg1) September 17, 2021
How sad, someone was offended by a cartoon. One that prefaced her presence saying ‘she wasn’t bad, she was just drawn that way’. Guess it wasn’t good enough. And we thought Tipper Gore’s Parental Warning labels campaign was insane censorship? How’d the PMRC miss Jessica Rabbit?
— Shez Krafty (@shezkrafty) September 20, 2021
Disappointed. Next time go for broke. Turn Jessica Rabbit into transvestite or a drag queen that weighs around 150 kg.
— Edwardz (@edwardpogi1422) September 21, 2021
What are your thoughts?