Looking for an interactive, professional, and friendly discord server to join? Look no further.
Check out Table Top Emote RPG. If you are interested in role playing then be sure to check out
what this server has to offer. You are in for a new ride when it comes to tabletop games!
This server is based on a turn-based combat system taking inspiration from other RPG systems.
This server is open to all styles of roleplay systems to evolve their own system with the
community. The best part of this server is everything is perfectly laid out for new users to
understand what it is all about. For example, if you are unsure , their FAQ section lays out the
server for you. Plus their interactive and supportive community can help guide you in the right
direction when it comes to roleplay.
“In broad terms, emote Roleplay is a multiplayer and sometimes competitive creative writing
platform. In one statement? It’s a simple yet sophisticated, ambitious game of strategy that only
requires any chatting platform, to include talking or pen and paper. It is a way of using words to
weave together logical strategies based on your character’s skill archetype which can feel
cerebral much like chess or jiu jitsu. Our greatest priority apart from remaining completely logical
is to remain fair, balanced, unbiased, and, above all, open minded.”

Alongside their amazing organization they also have a very supportive community always
looking to roleplay. Perhaps you always wanted to roleplay but were unsure how to get involved
with this community. Well that is where this server comes to play. By joining you will have
access to other folks who are interested in building a fictional world with you. Their community is
very interactive and on the lookout for new folks to roleplay with.
Check out these images to learn more about some of their rules:

This server is perfect for experienced and new roleplayers. Not only will you get to learn through
other players you will also be able to create bonds with other discord users who enjoy the same
thing you do. Their system is very well planned out making it user friendly and perfect for
anyone looking to roleplay in a new way.
Be sure to check out this server today. By joining you will have access to new worlds and ideas,
while experiencing roleplaying with folks who enjoy tabletop games. Table Top Emote RPG is
looking for new members and you should consider joining. Support them today! You will not
regret it!
JOIN: https://discord.gg/YxPzheD5Y5