by: MinaRose2023
Hello MinaRose2023 with A Silent Voice.
A Silent Voice touches on different themes from bullying and attempted suicide. The main protagonist is deaf. Shouko Nishymia is deaf and she gets bullied when she’s in elementary school. When she grows older she’s tried to be befriended by her ex bullied Shodya Ishida. The struggles that Shouku suffers through finding acceptance and a place of belongings is a feeling most people with disabilities struggles with.
I know I had to skip the beginning of the movie because the bullying triggered my memories and feelings of when I was bullied myself. I’m glad that Shouko found a friend in Shodya because he saves her from that loneliness by slowly including her with his friends. He rectified a wrong doing. I think A Silent Voice is a good anime film that teaches about having acceptance and compassion goes a long way.