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Digimon: 10 Changes We Want To See In The 02 Reboot


Digimon has seen a major resurgence in the last decade by returning to the tried and true stories of the 8 original Digidestined from Digimon Adventure. This has come in the form of a continuation series via Tri, a “final” movie in Last Evolution Kizuna, and a reboot of the series with Adventure:, which is still airing. 

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Since these have been revisited so often, fans of the original Adventure 02 sequel series have been wondering if it would be rebooted as well. While it seems unlikely now that Digimon Ghost Game has been announced for October 2021, fans still know what they want in a reboot.

10 It Could Show TK’s Evolution From Crybaby To Powerhouse 

TK after tussle with Ken

The original 02 made one huge decision that ended up paying off, which was using both TK and Kari, the youngest of the original Digidestined, in the new series. By 02, they had grown into well-rounded kids who were aged even more by the destruction and chaos of the first season.

TK especially had a long winding path that included a wave of undiscussed anger which led him to literally beat up Ken Ichijouji. The reboot could take these plot elements and expand on them more to give TK more depth.

9 It Could Switch Up The Armor Evolutions 

The Ridable Armor Digivolutions

Introduced in 02, armor digivolution was a new way of Digivolving using items known as Digimental, or Digi-Eggs. Each egg was related to one of the previous Digidestined’s crests. Davis received Tai and Matt’s, Yolei received Sora and Mimi’s, and Cody received Izzy and Joe’s, while TK and Kari retained their own.

One of the potential uses, which was featured on an 02 Drama CD, was the opportunity to swap Digi-Eggs. Fans have been wanting to see Veemon use the Digi-Egg of Hope to make Sagittarimon or have Wormmon achieve any Armor Digivolution at all.

8 It Could Give The New Digimon Full Evolution Lines

Ankylomon XV-Mon and Aquilamon

After defeating the Digimon Emperor, the new Digidestined were finally able to Digivolve into their Champion forms, which excited fans of the series. XV-Mon, Aquilamon, and Ankylomon were all-natural progressions of their evolution lines, but the series took a turn by introducing Jogress Evolution, which meant fusing two Digimon together. 

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While these Jogressed lines are seen as the canon evolutions, each of them could receive an Ultimate and Mega level evolution of their own. Veemon already has dozens of digivolutions that can end with UltraforceVeedramon, so it isn’t that far-fetched of an idea.

7 It Could Explore The Infamous Dark Ocean 

Maki in the Dark Ocean

One of the biggest irritants of the original 02 series was the inclusion of the Dark Ocean arc, which appeared for a single Kari-focused episode. It was then not addressed until Digimon: Tri when Maki loses her mind trying to bring back Bakumon. Even then, it was more of a nod as nothing was explained.

With Kari being the holder of the Crest of Light, it made sense for her to become a savior figure in the Dark Ocean and even face off against the Dagomon that was teased, which could happen in a reboot.

6 It Could Tell The Ancient Digimon Lore 

Ancient Digimon have excess lore that is untouched.

When Veemon, Hawkmon, and Armadillomon were first introduced, various characters talk about them as legends of the Digimon past. Agumon even stated that he had heard about Veemon being a fun-loving Digimon but didn’t believe he was real.

While this may have been a throwaway line to explain why Veemon and the others were trapped away under the Digi-Eggs, it left fans hoping for a story that never came. Since Adventure: saw a new history, it is time for this story to continue as well.

5 It Could Mix Up The Jogress Digivolutions

Paildramon and Silphymon

When Omnimon and Paildramon made their first appearances in Our War Game and episode 26 of 02, the stakes rose for the Digidestined as DNA Digivolving, also known as Jogress Digivolving, was the shiny new thing that all Digimon should aim for. 02 kept the momentum going with Silphymon but dropped it by Shakkoumon.

Instead of sticking with these three sets, the reboot could have them pair off on various adventures with each other and switch their Jogress partners on the fly, depending on the circumstance. This could be helped by the next entry as well.

4 It Could Include Introductions To Extended Characters In The Series 

Meiko Meicoomon Willis and Terriermon

One of the biggest things 02 did was to introduce a variety of Digidestined from around the world who weren’t part of the original 8, like Michael and Catherine Deneuve. While many felt the “World Tour Arc” was rushed, it introduced a lot of new ideas and characters.

Since several other Digidestined have been confirmed since the series aired, the reboot could bring in fan favorites like Willis and Terriermon from Hurricane Touchdown and Meiko and Meicoomon from Tri as members of the new team.

3 It Could Keep Adventure: Kids As Cameos

Sora Yolei Mimi Cody Davis Kari Tai Tk and Matt

One of the biggest complaints about Adventure: is that it has become the Tai and Agumon show above everyone else. Even when the episode focuses on a different character, such as the recent journey to Mega Digivolutions, Tai is pushing himself into frame as much as he can. 

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It’s understandable at a base level as Tai is the main character, but the reboot of 02 could learn from this. The older generation of Digidestined shouldn’t spend more time on screen than the new kids, which is exactly what happened for several episodes of the original 02. The occasional cameo or team-up would be best.

2 There Should Be Equal Time For Each New Kid 

Ken Yolei TK Davis Kari and Cody

Along the same lines, the 02 reboot can correct the mistakes Adventure: did by giving each character their own episodes and eliminating the “main character” culture that the franchise has been falling into in most series. Frontier, for example, did this to such an extreme that only Takuya and Kouji would Digivolve for long stretches of episodes. Giving each character more depth and their fair share of story would be the perfect use of the reboot.

1 It Might Be Better If It Doesn’t Happen 

Kari and TK

Unfortunately, Adventure: didn’t do well in ratings and viewer retention for a plethora of reasons. One of the biggest issues was that it took nostalgic characters and boiled them down to their basics and put such a focus on Tai that other characters seem like guest appearances rather than members of an ensemble cast.

Some fans don’t want to see the same issues happen with Davis, Ken, Yolei, Cody, TK, and Kari in an 02 reboot. Instead of the potential for something to go wrong, it could just be easier to not return to this team.

NEXT: 10 Amazing Digimon With Terrible Digivolutions

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