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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – What To Do Before Launch


Destiny 2’s latest expansion, The Witch queen, releases soon, Guardians have plenty to do before they enter Savathûn’s Throne World.

With Destiny 2’s latest expansion, The Witch Queen, set to release on Feb. 22, there are several things players can be doing to prepare for its arrival and their journey into Savathûn’s Throne World. Many of the tips below can be applied equally to newer and more experienced Guardians, although it is more difficult for under-geared players to efficiently farm challenging activities, like the Grandmaster Nightfall.

It is not considered a requirement to prep for the new expansion. Farming the materials, currencies and weapons below will help characters head into the new content in the best shape possible, but there is no better time to head into Games as a Service than at times like this. There is also some excellent content that is disappearing into the vault, so, at the very least, new players can give that a go as a nice introduction to some of the game’s more interesting lore.

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Max Out That Bounty Storage

Quest and Bounty Inventory Destiny 2

As with any new season in Destiny 2, it is a good idea to complete, but not trade-in, as many bounties as possible beforehand. Doing this will grant Guardians a significant boost to their experience, rewards from the season pass and levels for the seasonal artifact. Some bounties are more beneficial than others, though, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the amount of experience that can be gained from redeeming them. Weekly bounties offer 12,000 XP per bounty, with gains from Daily’s from the Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard, and the Gunsmith dropping to 6,000 XP. Iron Banner is also active after the latest weekly reset, with each bounty completed for Lord Saladin worth an additional 12,000 XP. Guardians can store up to 63, but be aware that this is shared with regular quest storage, so completing some of those may also be a good idea. There is also plenty of time to max this out between now and the expansion’s release. Lastly, mods like “Guiding Light” for Ghosts also slightly increase the experience gained here.

Materials Are Your Friend

ADA-1 during Festival of the Lost

Planetary materials are used in several essential transactions within Destiny 2, including Masterworking, buying upgrade modules and exotics from the kiosk. Having a good supply of these will help in advancing new weapons so they are ready for higher-level content, as well as to allow more straightforward progression using the current expansion’s arsenal. Also, with the more recent changes emphasizing gunplay over abilities, this should be high up on the list of priorities to maximize effectiveness in both PvE and PvP. Although materials can also be passively gained if you are a season pass holder, there are also some easy options for farming here. They drop from the regional chests associated with the materials and can be bought from Spider for legendary shards or glimmer, although it’s usually best to do so with the latter. Grinding lost sectors and patrols is also a reliable source of income here, while a Treasure Hunter Ghost mod should help locate nearby chests and raw material nodes.

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Trade-In Umbral Engrams For God Rolls And Farm Activities

Prismatic Recaster Menu Screen

As with any new season’s arrival, several weapons will disappear from the drop rotation, which should remain relevant in high-level activities and PvP for the foreseeable future. It’s a good idea to head over to the Prismatic Recaster in the H.E.L.M. to trade in Umbral Engrams and Parallax Trajectory for possible god rolls from Season 12-15. Although the Prismatic Recaster is likely to remain a fixture in the upcoming expansion, it could change and become a part of the forthcoming crafting system. The available weapons may also go away or be much more troublesome to obtain. Equally, farming activities like the Nightfall (particularly G.M.) and Trials are an excellent route to some drops with nice perks and stats.

Stock Up On Enhancement Cores And Legendary Shards

Enhancement Cores highlighted in the Inventory

Legendary Shards are the main form of currency for many of the game’s internal transactions, while Enhancement Cores are necessary for weapon and armor upgrades, so it makes sense to group them here. Vanguard Tactician Tokens can be traded for legendary rewards, which can then be dismantled for shards. These also have a chance to drop mods and enhancement cores to upgrade the god rolls from the Umbral Recaster. These tokens go away when the expansion drops, so take advantage before then. The vaulting of The Tangled Shore is also something to consider. Up to five Enhancement Cores can be obtained from Spider in exchange for Legendary Shards, so now is the time to buy those before the region and vendor goes away.

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