
Destiny 2: Astral Alignment guide


Astral Alignment is the latest activity in Destiny 2: Season of the Lost but it’s had a bit of a troubled launch. Players—including yours truly—were often matched with players halfway through the activity in areas that were broken. Progress bars weren’t filling and some larger enemies stayed immune, causing quite a lot of frustration. Fortunately, bugs within the activity are being ironed out and Astral Alignment is back to being playable. 

Destiny 2: Astral Alignment explained 

Astral Alignment is a new six-player matchmade activity that is split into four phases. You’ll need to work with your teammates to complete it, so don’t try and be a hero, Titans. To get started, head over to the Dreaming City and choose the Astral Alignment icon from the map. It’ll transport you into the Blind Well, where you’ll meet your first challenge.


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