
Deathloop system requirements demands an RTX 2060 for 60 fps


Does it seem weird to anyone else that Deathloop is less than a week away? I’m really looking forward to it—finally, an Arkane game that gives me super-murder-powers and doesn’t make me feel guilty for using them!—but it still feels very distant, somehow. Or maybe I’m just subconsciously pushing back against the looming end of yet another summer, as the days grow shorter and the nights turn cooler, and the memories of my lost youth fade a little fainter than they were the year before? All things are possible in this wispy, ephemeral journey of consciousness.

Anyway, Deathloop is in fact just six days away from release, arriving on digital storefronts on September 14, and today Bethesda delivered an in-depth breakdown of what sort of hardware you’ll need to run it, what sort of settings you’ll be able to change, and when exactly you’ll be able to start playing.

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