Deadpool and one of Wolverine’s clones just found themselves teaming up to take down an undead threat that highlights the similarities between them.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1, available now from Marvel.
Over the years, Deadpool has teamed up with just about everyone in the Marvel Universe at one point or another. And in one of the stories in the new anthology Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1, the Fourth-Wall-breaking antihero just reunited with his favorite sidekick, Gabby Kinney, to finish a mission that started several years ago.
In “Red All Over” by Tom Taylor, Phil Noto, and VC’s Joe Sabino, a desperate Deadpool looking for anyone to answer their phone. When both Peter Parker and Logan prove to be conveniently unavailable, Wade is left turning to Gabby, who usually goes by Honey Badger or Scout, for help. The young clone of Laura Kinney, has a fairly long history with Deadpool considering her age, and even calls herself his best friend. As such she is more than happy to answer his call and help him finish up a violent mission that they started during their last team-up.
Somehow, Deadpool has stumbled right back into the middle of the same zombified animal operation that he and Gabby had previously encountered in 2018’s All-New Wolverine #31 by Tom Taylor and Marco Failla. While out walking her pet wolverine Jonathan, Gabby realized that she was walking past the lab where Jonathan had been experimented on. Instead of calling Laura or Logan, Gabby instead called Deadpool, and together they laid waste to the facility. Unfortunately, that included many of the unwitting animals that had been experimented on.
However, it looks like burning down one lab wasn’t enough to end the cruelty, as the resurgent threat of zombified animals threatens them again.
Having great sympathy for those creatures who were experimented on as they were, Gabby and Wade put down one rampaging zombie zebra is more an act of somber mercy, and the two decide to take things all the way to the top. At the offices of Palmive Industries, they find a shockingly secure Mr. Palmive, certain that his status will protect him. This cartoonish sort of villainy is both starkly irritating and somewhat humorous for both Gabby and Deadpool, who both know how dead he already is. As Gabby leads the ye- untouched baby zebras out of the room, Deadpool drives a sword straight through the chest of the corporate goon who was behind it all.
It’s a bloody end to what was an unsettling if tongue-in-cheek storyline that has long deserved a proper resolution that cements one of the most perfect friendships in comics. No matter what Gabby has seen or done, she continues to retain a sense of innocence about her, and that isn’t so dissimilar from the sympathetic spirit that Deadpool lets shine through in the moments between his gunfire and nonsequiturs. While both are swift to extract vengeance, these two also heroes have a lot of heart that make them a well-suited duo.
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