Comics News

DC’s Latest Superficial Anthology Deals with Microaggressions & Racism


Next Shark has a fluff-coated item focused on a DC special commemorating Asian superheroes that looks predictably saddled with political correctness in at least a few ways:


Featured in “DC Festival of Heroes” are 11 stories touching on topics that many Asian Americans, longtime fans or comic book rookies can relate to. Whether it’s a coming-of-age story for young heroes, diving into identity issues, feeling a need to assimilate, or dealing with microaggressions and racism, all touch on the importance of representation.


“Microaggressions”? That’s more like a slang for merely saying something that’s anathema to absurd belief systems, and just shouldn’t be said because it crosses the line of the left. It’s the kind of idiocy you could discover at universities. A clue something’s not right here.


In the collection’s namesake story, “Festival of Heroes,” writer Amy Chu and artist Marcio Takara were “influenced” by the news of the rise of anti-Asian violence, especially on our elders, to come out of the pandemic, according to the DC Comics blog.


By any chance, do they research and pay any attention to who exactly the perpetrators of the crimes are? How about the Antifa/BLM hoodlums in Portland, Oregon who assaulted and endangered Andy Ngo, just because he exposed their evil activities? How about Black criminals who attacked Asians in cities like Baltimore, Maryland? I’m aware Chu’s an apparent leftist, and must assume she for one is taking a superficial approach to the issue, putting her head in the sand in regards to exact details, which only ensures the dangers can continue. Plus, I notice the following panel turns up in this special:



Well, what’s this we have here? Some sort of attempt to make an allegedly “American” bunch of thugs look like they’re discriminating against Islamists by calling a passerby a “terrorist”? That the writers of this special would opportunistically shoehorn that in there attests to their identity politics. What they inserted minimizes the issue of terrorism, and that can include the very acts of violence Asians experienced over the past months. The site interviewed the contributors, who said:


NextShark: With the recent attacks on the elderly, what is the message you want to convey about our elders fighting back in the “Festival of Heroes”?

Jessica Chen: Like most people in our community, I follow NextShark and other AAPI news sources a lot, and the uptick in the violence against our Asian elders is alarming, disheartening, and making most of us feel helpless in what we can do to help.

One of the cool things about working in superhero comics is the ability to take real-life issues that we may not be able to fix or deal with immediately, and having our superheroes be able to so that readers may have somewhere to find solace and catharsis in, even through a fictional space.

For those who may not be following NextShark and other AAPI news sources like the AAPI community and I have, writer Amy Chu and I were hoping to be able to shed some light that these attacks are real, have been happening, and we all must do more together to help combat xenophobia.


But that xenophobia can never include what Islamofascism indoctrinates, can it? And there can’t be clear identification of the perpetrators beyond any who’re white, despite what research statistics are showing? Also note that Chu is a contributor to the medium of questionable leftist character, one more reason this project is bound to be superficial, and otherwise a disappointment. One more reason why such projects from mainstream publishers are unlikely to improve the decaying situation in the USA as it stands now.’



Originally published here.


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