Comics Reviews

DC’s Forgotten Justice League Dark Is MUCH Stronger Than the Official JLD


There was another team of magicians more powerful than the Justice League Dark called the Sentinels of Magic, who formed to stop a demon from Hell.

Before the Justice League Dark, there was another team of magic users that assembled to save the world when the Justice League and Justice Society couldn’t. Called the Sentinels of Magic, they formed in the wake of a rampage by the Spectre. After the catastrophe passed, the team decided to stay together as a deterrent to magical threats. But their line of magical heavy-hitters made them more powerful than even the current roster of the Justice League Dark. This fact is made more obvious when recalling one of their most important tasks: safeguarding the Spear of Destiny, the only object capable of killing the Spectre.

The team first assembled in Day of Judgement #1 by Geoff Johns and Matthew Smith. The demon Asmodel had taken over the Spectre’s powers and used them to literally freeze hell over, unleashing demons and the souls condemned there upon the Earth. The newly formed Sentinels, comprised of the Phantom Stranger, Raven, Alan Scott, Zatanna and the Enchantress, were part of three teams that were sent to contain the problem. They, alongside Wonder Woman, traveled to Heaven to try and convince Jim Corrigan to return as the Spectre’s host.

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This mission failed, but they were given the opportunity to find a new host for the Spectre that they could trust. Hal Jordan’s soul was plucked from purgatory per Alan Scott’s suggestion, knowing that Hal was the only one with the will to withstand the Spectre. His hunch paid off and Hal was selected as the new Spectre, after which he entrusted the Sentinels of Magic with the Spear of Destiny, the one object in the universe that could kill the Spectre should his powers ever be used so destructively again. The Sentinels, now charged with safekeeping one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the DCU, decided to stay together and protect the world from any supernatural menace.

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This was arguably the most powerful cabal of magic users on the planet at the time, definitely more so than the current roster of the Justice League Dark. Zatanna found her way onto both teams, but it’s clear that her time spent with the Sentinels was one of her most powerful moments. And that’s not even considering the other members of the team who are more potent with their power.

The Phantom Stranger for example, is a massive powerhouse, able to travel great distances and gain access to places that normal mortals would have to struggle to reach. Of course, he has stated in the past that he cannot directly intervene to end a crisis, but his knowledge can allow him to guide those who can take the necessary action to save the world. If he can’t be the Sentinels’ best fighter, then he’s their secret solution to whatever threat they come across.

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The biggest reason they are more powerful than the JLD is the Spear of Destiny. They have an artifact in their possession capable of injuring and even killing gods. It was left up to their discretion on how to hide or use it by the Spectre. It’s the equivalent of handing them a magical precision nuke. If they decided to truly use such a weapon, then there would be few who were capable of stopping them.

In comparison to Justice League Dark, it’s apparent that the Sentinels were the superior team. It had more powerful members, access to incredibly dangerous magical artifacts and was entrusted by a divine entity with an important task. In contrast, the Justice League Dark is often a ragtag collection of magicians who stumble upon a problem. And considering their current enemy, it’s safe to assume that a few of them miss the days of the Sentinels of Magic.

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