Writer John Ridley teases a new status quo for the next Batman, Jace Fox, suggesting the hero will soon fight his own Joker in New York City.
DC is giving the next Batman his own version of The Joker.
Writer John Ridley outlined some of his plans for Jace Fox and how moving Batman to New York City will impact I Am Batman. In addition to using the series to have conversations about policing and how people respond to vigilantes, the book will introduce new variables to Jace’s life, including an arch-rival. These plot points will differentiate Jace from other members of the Bat Family. “Expect his own rogues, expect his own partners, expect his own dilemmas,” Ridley said. “Who is his Joker going to be?”
In 2021, Ridley reimagined Jace Fox as the next Batman of DC’s Future State initiative. In that timeline, Jace fought against the Magistrate, a large police force that used overwhelming numbers to control the citizens of Gotham City. Though the organization was a substantial threat, the members of the Magistrate were primarily anonymous soldiers with little individual characterization. Similarly, when Ridley began exploring the present-day adventures of Jace in The Next Batman: Second Son and I Am Batman, the hero fought against corrupt politicians and jack-boot police officers, who again lacked distinct personalities. However, Ridley’s latest comments suggest this will soon change, as the idea of Jace fighting “his Joker” points toward a singular villain who impacts him on a personal level.
While Jace’s journey to New York has changed the series’ status quo, he isn’t the only Fox trotting through the city’s streets, as I Am Batman #6 showed that Jace’s mother and sister have moved to the Big Apple too. Unlike other Caped Crusaders, the persistent presence of the next Batman’s family distinguishes Jace’s personal life and, according to Ridley, helps give the series a unique perspective on what it means to be a black hero. “This family has to struggle with money, with representation, and with just being out in the world, and you will see much much more of that going forward,” he said.
Furthermore, as Ridley expands the cast of I Am Batman, he also plans on exploring Jace’s approach to crime-fighting and how he differs from Bruce Wayne. According to Ridley, one of the most significant distinctions between the two Dark Knights is that where Bruce focuses on putting fear into the hearts of criminals, Jace chooses to inspire those around him to do more. Consequently, this trait reflects Jace’s role in the Black community, whom Ridley hopes to inspire through his work.
Outside of I Am Batman, Jace’s presence continues to grow in the upcoming Dark Crisis. Written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Daniel Sampere, the story centers on the world’s response to the death of the Justice League and how DC’s young heroes rise to the occasion. In addition to the next Batman, promotional art for the series advertises the presence of Yara Flor, Jon Kent, Dick Grayson and Jackson Hyde.
Written by John Ridley, drawn by Ken Lashley, colored by Rex Lokus and lettered by Troy Peteri, DC’s I Am Batman #6 is now on sale.
Source: YouTube
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