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DC: The Most Brutal Justice League Battles


The Justice League is DC’s premiere super team. Consisting of some of the greatest heroes of all time, the team has served as the greatest defense the Multiverse has against destruction. They’ve faced down some of the most dangerous villains in creation and those battles have made them legendary. Few teams have faced the kinds of odds the Justice League has and yet they’ve always triumphed.

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The Justice League has survived some truly brutal battles, ones that should have ended the team and all of existence. However, the team was able to triumph, overcoming the odds and proving why they’re the best of the best.

10 The Justice League Fought A Legion Of Archangels And Triumphed

Grant Morrison’s JLA was full of epic battles and one of the biggest took place in issues six and seven. Drawn by artist Howard Porter, this two-issue story arc would see the Bull Host of archangels, drawn to Earth to apprehend escaped angel Zauriel, clash with the League as they prepared to enact their planned conquest of Heaven.

It was a truly epic showdown, made all the worse by the machinations of Neron and the Demons Three, but the Justice League were able to beat everything thrown at them. It doesn’t get much better than this; plus it features Superman wrestling an angel.

9 The Battle Against The Hyperclan Tested The League To Its Limits

Another Morrison/Porter banger, the Justice League battled the Hyperclan in JLA #1-4. Appearing out of nowhere, the Hyperclan posed as a new team out to change the world and help humanity but really, they were White Martians, some of the League’s best B-list villains. The Hyperclan attacked the League, preparing the Earth for invasion.

However, Batman was able to suss out their secret and with the help of Martian Manhunter, who had tricked the Hyperclan into thinking he was working with them, was able to free the League. Together, they defeated the White Martians and stopped their terrible invasion.

8 A Darkseid Invasion Brought The Justice League Together In The New 52

Justice League homage to Jim Lee X-Men #1

The New 52 represented a new beginning for DC, with the origin of many heroes and teams changed. The Justice League was no different and in writer Geoff Johns and artist Jim Lee’s Justice League #1-6, the team came together for the first time to stop an Apokoliptian invasion. Battling Parademons and learning to rely on one another, their true test wouldn’t be until Darkseid came.

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The team was able to defeat the dark god in a desperate battle, saving the world. The magnitude of the threat convinced them to stay together, protecting the Earth from the worst threats as the Justice League.

7 The Crime Syndicate Were Able To Stomp On The Justice League


Not every battle is a win for the Justice League and that was proven during the New 52, when the team went up against the Crime Syndicate in the run-up to Forever Evil. In this Geoff Johns/Ivan Reis story, the Crime Syndicate had survived the destruction of their Earth and decided to take Earth-0. They were successful in taking down the Justice League and their conquest would have succeeded if it wasn’t for the villains.

A team of villains led by Lex Luthor and helped out by Batman was able to turn the tide against the Syndicate, freeing the League and helping to take back the Earth. Sometimes, the most brutal battles are the ones that are lost.

6 The Battle Of Metropolis In Infinite Crisis Pitted The League Against The Deadliest Villains

Infinite Crisis was DC’s seminal ’00s event, one they spent years building. In issue seven, by writer Geoff Johns and artists Phil Jimenez, Jerry Ordway, and George Perez, the Society, a group of supervillains brought together by Alexander Luthor posing as Lex, attacked Metropolis with all their might, even bringing Doomsday into the fray. The League joined with every other DC hero in a desperate battle to save the city.

Later, members of the League would be called upon to help stop the rampaging Superboy-Prime, a battle that would cost the Earth-2 Superman his life. Both fights were desperate affairs the heroes barely survived.

5 The Battle Against Barbatos Almost Cost The League Everything

Dark Knights: Metal, by writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo, saw the Justice League embroiled in one of their most desperate battles. The dark god Barbatos attacked and brought the power of the Dark Multiverse with him in the form of the Dark Knights- evil versions of Batman who had taken the powers of members of the Justice League in order to destroy them.

The battle tested the League to the limits and pulled in the entirety of the DC Universe. All seemed lost but Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman were able to buy Superman and Batman time to win the day. Barbatos was defeated, but the war against the Dark Multiverse wasn’t over yet.

4 In Death Metal, The Justice League Had To Save The Multiverse From Doom

Death Metal was the sequel to Dark Knight: Metal. Building out of Snyder’s Justice League, it opened with the Multiverse already just about destroyed at the hands of Perpetua and got crazier from there, as Wonder Woman brought together the League and the other heroes to stop it. Eventually, an omnipotent Batman Who Laughs would defeat Perpetua and challenge the League in a desperate final battle.

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As the League and friends battled the worst of the Dark Multiverse, Wonder Woman battled BWL, defeating him and using his power to rebuild the Multiverse, creating an Omniverse of infinite possibility.

3 The Battle Against Mageddon Was Almost Too Much For The Justice League

JLA World War III

In Morrison and Porter’s last JLA story “World War III,” during issues thirty-six through forty-one, the Justice League faced down the ultimate destroyer, Mageddon the Anti-Sun. Taking control of the League’s enemies in order to distract them, Mageddon made its way inexorably to Earth, destroying all resistance.

The League would throw itself at Mageddon but it constantly beat them back, even almost destroying Superman. However, using a modified Purple Ray, the League would transform every human on Earth into a metahuman. Only then could the League triumph.

2 Final Crisis Was One Of The Multiverse’s Most Desperate Hours

Final Crisis was Morrison’s DC magnum opus. Joined by artists J.G. Jones, Carlos Pacheco, and Doug Mahnke, Morrison spun a yarn that saw Darkseid come to Earth with the Anti-Life Equation, taking control of half of the Earth’s population, including many heroes. What followed was one of the League’s most desperate battles.

The team was able to come from behind and defeat the God of Evil but even then, things were almost too far gone. Eventually, the Supermen of the Multiverse would arrive to help battle the vampire Monitor Mandrakk and prevent him from pulling the Multiverse into oblivion.

1 Crisis On Infinite Earths Saw The Heroes Of Five Earths Band Together

The Crisis On Infinite Earths

Writer Marv Wolfman and artist George Perez’s Crisis On Infinite Earths is one of the most important event books ever and for good reason. Pitting the heroes of the DC Multiverse against the Anti-Monitor, worlds lived, worlds died, and nothing was ever the same. The League was just one cog in this war against annihilation but they did their part.

The Anti-Monitor was the greatest threat the heroes had faced up to that point, testing them to their limits and that’s not even bringing up the villains’ attack that almost crippled the heroes’ resistance. Few battles in comics have been bigger or more brutal than the one against the Anti-Monitor.

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