When Bruce Wayne left Gotham City, he traveled the globe to train himself, with Batman: The Knight now altering where his first stop was.
DC reveals where Bruce Wayne’s first stop was in his journey to become Batman.
Batman: The Knight is a limited series, written by Chip Zdarsky with art by Carmine Di Giandomenico, that explores Bruce’s early years away from Gotham City. The series’ first issue saw Bruce struggling to find his way in Gotham, deciding at the end of the book to leave in pursuit of his new mission and war on crime. A preview for Batman: The Knight #2 shows that Bruce’s first destination to train was none other than Paris, France.
The decision to relocate to Paris first changes what fans have previously known about Bruce’s vigilante journey. The city is where Bruce first met one of his mentors, Henri Ducard, who first appeared in Detective Comics #599. In Batman and Robin #5 from 2012, a flashback explained that Bruce had already trained with martial arts masters Chu Chin Li and Tsunetomo in the “far east” by the time he came across Ducard, with Ducard also recounting Bruce’s martial arts skills before the New 52 reboot in Detective Comics #600. According to solicitations for the series, Bruce will get training from a cat burglar in Paris, and eventually come across Ducard as well. The preview shows a cat burglar besting Bruce, who is perplexed by her skill set.
In modern continuity comics, Batman is currently away from Gotham as well. Following 2021’s “Fear State” event and a new creative team jumping on the title — writer Joshua Williamson and artist Mikel Janin — Batman #118 saw Bruce leave his home city again to clear the names of Batman Inc. Instead of Paris, the caped crusader has wound up in Badhnisia, encountering the new villain Abyss and Superman nemesis Lex Luthor as opposed to Ducard and a cat burglar.
While Bruce is away from Gotham in both The Knight and Batman, the city is Batman-less. New Batman Jace Fox departed from Gotham to make a life as one of New York City’s defenders, something that has been celebrated in real life with posters placed about the city. Bruce will eventually be involved in the upcoming “Shadow War” event and his potential death in Justice League #75 this April.
The preview and solicitation for Batman: The Knight #2 can be found below.
- Written by CHIP ZDARSKY
- Variant cover by RICCARDO FEDERICI
- $4.99 US | 40 pages | $5.99 US Variant (Card stock)
- ON SALE 2/15/22
- Bruce Wayne’s journey toward becoming the Dark Knight has begun, and he has many hard lessons to learn before his education is complete. His adventure begins in the City of Lights, Paris, where he’ll train with a world-renowned cat burglar and come into contact with a horrifying serial killer stalking the city’s wealthy elite…
Batman: The Knight #2 is written by Zdarksy with interior and cover art by Di Giandomenico, colors by Ivan Plascencia and letters by Pat Brosseau. A variant cover for the issue was created by Riccardo Federici. The issue goes on sale Feb. 15 from DC Comics.
Source: DC Comics
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